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The next couple days I had been by my grandmother's side, barely going to school then work and ending up here. She was only in the hospital for three days before they released her, and I was taking care of her in the mornings and afternoons.

Some of the boys from work came over along with Miguel, Demetri and Eli who came to make sure my grandmother was okay. I had missed some school, so they came to bring me the work I had missed.

"Here." Miguel says, and I smiled grabbing the dirty plate from him putting it in the dishwasher.


"Need anything else?"

"It's cool, you can join the boys in the living room with my grandmother."

"I don't need a babysitter." Mimi yells and I chuckled walking to the doorframe leaning on it as I looked to see her with a photo album out.

"You do." I said and she rolls her eyes before looking back to the album.

"Look at how cute you were Beatrice." My grandmother coos as the boys now surrounded her, I made my way over sitting next to Miguel.

"Is that you?" He asked pointing to me in a dress and crown making me chuckle.

"Yep, that's Beatrice. She won Little Miss when she was 5, was one of the first times I had met her."

"Wait, I thought you were in foster care?" Miguel asked and I nodded.

"I was. I was thrown in the system when I was 6."

"My daughter tried convincing me she was okay, and she was for a while until I didn't hear from her anymore. This was the only photo I had where I had met her, others were from her mother sending it to me."

"What happened to your mother?"

"As much as she loved me, she loved drugs more." I said and Miguel looks at me making me shake my head, "I had an older brother who looked after me."

"Oh god Kace was such a trouble maker, you two were like two peas in a pod." Mimi says, showing a photo of my brother and I making me smile lightly, "He was much easier to control out of these two, keeping her in line."

"Okay, now you're making it sound like I was a little shit."

"You sure were."

"I can vouch for that now." Demetri says and I slapped the back of his head making him groan as the others laughed, "And this is why I preferred Kace."

"Kace didn't like you, you were a pain in his ass."

"That's just rude."

"It's the truth." Eli says, almost quietly but we heard it making everyone laugh.

Mimi continues going down memory lane and now I was thinking about my brother, I had missed him so much. The boys stuck around a bit longer before they all packed up to leave, Eli and Demetri left while Miguel stayed back a bit longer.

We were now in the garage where I showed him the car, we kept talking and he was looking over the car with a smile.

"Heard about your fight with Kyler at school. Sorry I didn't see you kick his ass."

"It wasn't all that."

"I guess you're back into karate now?" I asked and he nods.

"Yeah, my sensei convinced my mum." He says before looking at the car, putting his hand on the roof of it, "This is yours?"

"Yeah, was my older brothers before it came to me." I said and he looks at me.

"You said you had an older brother." He says and I nodded leaning on the car not looking at him.

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