34th Scribble

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Jimin began tearing up the moment he read Jungkook's last note to him. He was simply concerned because he could see how Jungkook was struggling with something in his life. He had seen Jungkook throwing anything he sees as he shouts his frustrations. He doesn't know what was going on with Jungkook's life but he wanted to help. He knew how hard it was to deal with your own problems all by yourself.

It was hell.

It was the same feeling of getting drowned. 

Normally, people would ask for help to be saved and get dragged back to the land.

But Jimin feels something off about Jungkook. He felt as if Jungkook actually liked getting drowned. It's as if Jungkook was aware that he couldn't breathe underwater... and yet he was fine with it.

Jimin thinks this through and came up with a decision.

 Maybe it was impossible to help someone who doesn't even want to help themselves after all.


Fine then.

I wouldn't care anymore.



I was actually hoping for you to say this for a very long time. And oh, thank you very much by the way.

This is the best note I have received from you so far.



But a week after that.

Jungkook was the first one to send a scribble this time.

♛Scribbles♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now