53rd Scribble

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Jimin didn't know why he felt so happy the moment he woke up. He remembered the exact words that Jungkook said a few hours ago and it still echoes in his head. He couldn't believe that this was happening because surely, this seemed like a daydream to him.

He rolls over his bed squealing like a teenage girl so early in the morning. Well, not really since it's already 9:13 AM in his clock but who cares anyway. It's not like he has something important planned.

His doorbell suddenly rang breaking his sweet fantasies of Jungkook and he knew what that bell meant so he ran downstairs fixing his bed hair expecting that it was Jungkook who was ringing it. He cleared his throat and relaxes his beating heart although he was obviously failing at doing so. It wasn't calming down at all.

"Deep breathes, Park Jimin... It's just Jungkook." He realized something after muttering it and suddenly he hits his head. 

"Aish! That's the point! It's Jungkook that why I can't calm down!" He whisper-shouted to himself since he wouldn't want to embarrass himself if ever Jungkook could hear him. He made another long deep breath until he finally opened his door.

But instead of seeing Jungkook, he saw a yellow balloon instead. It was tied up in a pebble so it wouldn't fly somewhere and words were written on it; "Pop Me" 

Jimin giggled seeing the cute balloon in front of his doorsteps. He ran inside his house and grabbed a toothpick before he came back to his door. He wasted no time to pop the balloon as it made a 'Pop' sound. 

He caught the paper that flew mid-air from inside it and read it with a giggle.


I sometimes pity the sun :( 

Do you know why?

It's because you always outshine it ;)

Good morning, beautiful ❤


♛Scribbles♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now