-----20th Babble-----

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Jimin was just sitting there on his boring hospital bed, inside his boring hospital white room, doing some boring things like staring up the ceiling. Some Netflix show was playing on the widescreen tv but he was too bored to even care. 

Jungkook happened to cross his mind once again... like every time of the day. He doesn't want to admit that he didn't even hate Jungkook. He just doesn't want to see Jungkook for some reason.

Things really changed a lot between Jungkook and him now that he thinks about it. He had some talks with Yoongi before about his feelings but he was still at a loss. He still couldn't figure Jungkook out.

But even though this was the case... it seemed that someone already knew about everything from way before.

39th Scribble

Yoongi stayed over at Jimin's house since Jimin has been having his frequent heart attacks. Yoongi concluded that it must be because Jimin was stressed. He could clearly see it in Jimin's state because of those eye bags even though Jimin wasn't telling him anything. He's a doctor after all, he would know.

"Anything special that happened between you and that boy next door of yours?" Yoongi teased as he wiggled his eyebrows at Jimin. And surely, he heard some things about this neighbor of Jimin from the younger himself. Jimin even told him that he maybe developed a crush to this Jungkook.

"Nah. And I don't think I should ever confess to him." Yoongi heard Jimin and he made a frown.

"Why not?"

"I'm scared he'll leave the moment he knows about my condition. We're not even in good terms right now because he was acting like a complete asshole but still... I don't want to scare him away even more." Jimin started with his eyes faltering.

"I'm a walking time bomb, hyung... One day I could just explode and cause terrible pain to everyone around me." It caught Yoongi's attention. He stared at Jimin with his concerned eyes. 

"That was why I even moved out." Jimin forced out a smile. "I don't want Mom to be the first one to see once my time finally stopped ticking... Seeing dad dying because of the same thing was already enough torture for her and I... I don't want her to experience the same pain once again."

Yoongi reached out for Jimin. He wiped away the tears that were staining Jimin's pinking cheeks from crying as he cupped the latter's face between his hands. He stared at Jimin, giving the younger an assuring look. He didn't say any word and he just comforted Jimin with a hug.

"Don't say things like this, Jimin. Hyung-nim will always be here, you hear me?" And finally, he heard Jimin's giggles.

"Ne, hyung."

Jimin escorted Yoongi outside until they reached Yoongi's car. Yoongi happened to see from his peripheral vision that the neighbor Jimin must be telling him about was gawking at them the moment they went out. He smirked as an idea came from him. He suddenly turned back and placed a quick kiss on Jimin's cheeks causing Jimin to flinch in shock.

He knew that the boy next door was still staring at them so he whispered to Jimin to test something he was sort of sure about. 

"Just wiggle your ass to that neighbor of yours and you'll get him. Your Jibooty always work anyway." He ended making Jimin burst out in giggle before he hopped inside his car with that satisfying look on his face.

And just as he closed his car door, he looked up and saw from his tinted windows how Jimin's neighbor looked like he was about to kill him. And it was enough... enough for him to know that Jimin must be stupid not to know that his neighbor was already having hots for him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... This poor innocent kid." Yoongi mumbled as he chuckled inside his car.  

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