-----16th Babble-----

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[The "16th Babble" comes after this but this is VERY IMPORTANT]

The answer that everyone was looking for was in the DESCRIPTION all along even before I published the chapters here. How?

Jungkook keeps on receiving these small scribbles from his new neighbor Jimin... and he doesn't like it one bit.

What if ONE of them falls in love with less than a heartbeat?

That ONE "with less than a heartbeat" is Jimin obviously since he is the one with a heart attack. (And no one noticed that I used "WITH less than a heartbeat" rather than "IN less than a heartbeat"? Because obviously, those two phrases are different from each other.

I used "in less than a heartbeat" in the cover and if you're doubting me then you can go and check it.) 


Jimin safely arrived in the hospital. Jungkook was at a loss earlier but thanks to Yoongi since the latter texted him the address.

Yoongi just came out of Jimin's room, his stethoscope hanging on his neck as his white coat hugs his figure. He saw Jungkook sitting there on the waiting bench and he noticed how devastated the younger looked. He sat beside Jungkook who was moping there with his hands covering his face. 

"You alright, buddy?" Yoongi asked earning Jungkook's attention, his stares just fixated on the white walls in front of them.

Jungkook bit his lower lip, the heaviness in his heart was still in him. Seeing Jimin that way for the first time made him feel so stupid. He didn't know that Jimin was suffering from something.

"I didn't know... he never told me and I never asked... It's my fault." Jungkook told with his voice low, his head falls down in shame. He was blaming himself for failing to notice what Jimin was going through.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook with a sad glance. He patted Jungkook's shoulder before he sighed. "Jimin suffers from his heart attack ever since childhood. He told me he got it from his father... which is dead by now, by the way." Jungkook shot his head up meeting Yoongi's gaze.

"Jimin is a sensitive case... His heart was weaker than his father's and somehow it made him depressed sometimes... It was even his first time moving houses. He just desperately pleaded his mother since he badly wants to have a life of his own for the first time." Yoongi chuckled lowly, his gaze falling down on his knees as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"He doesn't really know how to associate with other people since he never had any friends when he was young until now. He can't play with the other kids since he shouldn't tire his heart... and because of that, he was outcasted." Jungkook was just listening to every word Yoongi tells him. It was his first time hearing things like this about Jimin. He never knew that Jimin has been going through such pain and hardships all his life.

"I always feel bad for him since he couldn't do everything he wanted... couldn't go to places he wanted to visit... And hell, he can't even eat whatever he wants. It weirded me out how positive he still is... I even called him an idiot a lot of times for that but I knew something that everyone doesn't." Yoongi paused, his eyes began to show anguish and pain. 

Yoongi breathed in and out before his next words made Jungkook shudder. "Jimin already decided to accept his fate... He knew he could die anytime."

Jungkook felt his breathing stop. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from Yoongi. He must be lying. Jimin looked happy with his life so Yoongi must not be telling him the truth.

"He prepared himself for everything. He moved out from their home to start doing whatever he can to at least make his life a little better and start new... And that's when he happened to meet you, I guess." Yoongi pronounced as he got his stares back at Jungkook with a warm smile. 

"He told me lots of things about you. The things he feels and I knew he was happy... Jimin might not notice it himself but I could see him changing slow but steady... He's been staying strong all his life and I don't want him to just give up like this so please," Yoongi slowly gets down on his knees as he made a formal bow in front of Jungkook to show his desperation. 

"Give him a reason to continue living, Jungkook-ssi..." The doctor raised his head up, sadness and sorrow were in his eyes. "I beg you."


Jungkook entered Jimin's hospital room, closing the door quietly. He sat beside the chair that was on Jimin's bed. The latter was only looking out the window, not sparing him a glance. He knew better than to force Jimin to talk to him but he needs to try. He wanted to be there for Jimin this time.

"You were playing your stereo that loud because you don't want anyone hearing you screaming in pain... And those shattering sounds I always hear... you were having your attacks at those times but you never once asked me for help, Jimin." Jungkook started and his voice had never been this low... disappointed, sad, and regretful. 

His head hung low, it landed on Jimin's hand that had the IV on. He held it with both his hands, making sure to pass his warmth on Jimin's slightly cold ones. He caressed the soft skin on Jimin's wrist as he bit his lower lip, fighting the urge not to cry.

"You've been showing me that everything's fine but you were hurting all along. You could've told me that you can't even eat the cupcakes that I gave you but Yoongi-hyung told me that you still ate them... Why, Jimin?--" Jimin spared him a glare with those teary eyes. 

"This is why I don't want to tell everyone about my condition! You'd treat me like everyone else does! You'll tell me that I'm weak! And I don't want it! I don't want your pity, Jungkook! I can fucking handle myself!" Jimin spat before he harshly withdrew his hand from Jungkook's hold.

Jungkook swore he had never seen Jimin in this state. Jimin had never looked this fragile before. He had never seen this weak side of Jimin and weirdly, he felt like his whole heart was crushing. He didn't want to see Jimin like this.

"I'm not pitying you, Jimin. I was just shocked... you just... you never told me anything." He heard Jimin scoff at him before he met Jimin's furious and disappointed stares at him.

"I told you before, Jungkook." Jimin started confusing him. "But you simply didn't care." 

Jungkook saw how Jimin was fighting the tears that wanted to come out from his eyes. He wanted to tell Jimin that it was fine, that Jimin could cry in front of him.

"What do you mean, Jimin?" Jimin's eyes flashed with hurt as if Jungkook just asked the most stupid question he shouldn't have. 

Jimin didn't say anything else after that. Yoongi came in and told Jungkook that maybe he should leave for now so he did.

Just what did Jimin mean when he said that 'I told you before,' Jungkook thought.

Jimin left him in a haze. 

♛Scribbles♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now