-----2nd Babble-----

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It was 2 AM and Jungkook had come back to the cemetery where his lover was buried. He sat there in front of the graveyard where the name of the person he ever loved so much was written on that gravestone.

"Here lies a loving person whose heart never fails to amuse everyone. For his smile was as bright and comforting as the morning sun... in here he rest in peace."

Kim Taehyung.
December 30 20XX - April 13, 20XX
A beloved son, grandson, and a lover

Jungkook placed the blue roses on the gravestone; blue roses are Taehyung's favorite.

He was smiling lightly as he looked at the name that was engraved on that stone, dusting it off with his hand. Something he always does once a week whenever he visits. 

"Have you been well, Tae?" Jungkook asked as he wiped away the tear that crawled down his left cheek. He cleared his throat knowing that Taehyung wouldn't like it if he would cry. He would probably get smacked in the head for being such a crybaby if Taehyung would be by his side.

"I missed you so much, Tae... I badly want to see you right now and hold you..." Jungkook couldn't stop his tears any longer. 

"Won't you come back for me, baby? I... I feel so alone... Y-You are gone and now I don't know what to do anymore." Jungkook sobbed but he didn't bother stopping his cries. He remembered the times when Taehyung would crash into his place with that idiotic boxy grin of his.

Taehyung was very extroverted unlike him. He had many friends but he keeps on hanging out with Jungkook telling him that he was having more fun with him. 

Jungkook was happy at those times. There was never a day that he felt alone. Taehyung was always there annoying the hell out of him. Taehyung would force him to play games with him, or go out as he keeps on whining an "Enjoy your life for once, Jungkook!". Then Jungkook would give up after that knowing that Taehyung wouldn't take no as an answer.

He really did enjoy his life at that time. Being with Taehyung made him happy. He felt loved every day because of Taehyung. His old neighbor... the person who once lived next to his house.

Jungkook hated Taehyung at first because he was being so annoying, always shouting there in his backyard since Taehyung said that he wanted to have fun with Jungkook. 

Jungkook keeps on ignoring and declining Taehyung's offer but the latter was very persistent. He even remembered getting a culture shock when Taehyung climbed up on his window smiling with that boxy grin on his face.

He remembered Taehyung's words whilst hanging there on his window. "I'm the amazing Spiderman! Woohoo!" After yelling that, Taehyung then started making weird noises acting like he was really making spider webs.

He fell down after.

Jungkook was so worried that he climbed downstairs as fast as he could but when he reached his backyard all he saw was Taehyung who was laughing pretty hard... enjoying that "epic fall" was what he said to Jungkook.

"Hey, buddy! I thought you weren't coming down?" Jungkook glared at him that time but Taehyung stood up, dusting off his pants as he walked towards Jungkook. 

That was the first time Taehyung kissed him on the cheeks.

"Don't glare at me, kid! And frowning doesn't suit you!" Taehyung claimed after chuckling.

Jungkook found himself furiously blushing back then. Taehyung laughed at him but he didn't get mad. He found those laughs adorable and he claimed that it was the best melodies he had ever heard in his life.

That day... he found his reason to live.

Taehyung became his life.

"I'm so lost without you, Tae... I couldn't move on. How could I if you have given me the best memories that we had together? How do you expect me to forget you just like that?" Jungkook hung his head as he let his tears fall on Taehyung's gravestone. "I tried, Tae... I slept with other people and had dated tons of them but it didn't work... because it's not what you wanted for me, right?" Jungkook questioned, his tears not stopping on falling.

"Because I knew what you wanted... I know you wanted me to find love in him... I'm not stupid, Tae. I knew the moment he sent me that letter that it was your sign telling me to forget you... To move on with him... You chose him for me... right?" Jungkook clenched his fists, remembering the images of Jimin when he saw him that day in front of his house.

"I knew it wasn't just coincidence that his smile almost shined as brightly as yours, Tae... It wasn't coincidence how he acts so much like you. Oh God, I hate how I see you in him... H-He was stubborn and persistent..." Jungkook chuckled bitterly.

"Something I always loved about you." Jungkook looked at Taehyung's gravestone, expecting Taehyung to talk back but he knew Taehyung couldn't. "But is this really alright, Tae? Is it right about me forgetting about you?"

A few minutes of silence and a sudden breeze passed through.

"But still love you, Tae... I can't forget you."

A/N: And now we just finished the first half. And yep, this is just the first half. A lot of things will still happen :(((

I hope you still remember the 3rd Scribble when Jimin asked Jungkook where he went at 2AM.

We finally know a little something about Jungkook. But what about Jimin? What were those weird noises that Jungkook keeps on hearing from his house?

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