-----21st Babble-----

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Yoongi knocked on Jimin's hospital room and he saw how Jimin fastly hides the notes that Jungkook has been giving him for the past week. He chuckled before he closed the door behind him, walking towards Jimin's bed.

"You don't have to hide it from me, Jimin. I already know that you've been reading that." Yoongi told with his cheeky smile earning Jimin's cute pout.

"You won't... scold me? You won't brag that you're right? That I should've really listened to you before when you told me that... maybe liking Jungkook was causing me more pain?" Jimin dropped his gaze, fiddling with his small fingers after. "Because I think I really should've listened to you, hyung."

Yoongi patted Jimin's head with that same smile on his face. "Nah, actually I'm proud of you kid." Jimin shot his head up staring at Yoongi with a confused stare.

"You might have a weak heart but you sure have a brave one." Yoongi chuckled after. "And I'm glad that you followed your heart, Jimin."

"What are you talking about, hyung?" Yoongi handed Jimin the box that he saw on Jungkook's table.

"I was in your house to get you some clothes and stuff you need and it looked like the kid was throwing things from his house and..." Yoongi pointed at the box that was now resting on Jimin's lap. "I stole that from him." He said casually as if it was a normal thing to do.

"What?! Why would you do that, hyung?!" 

"Relax... It's not like I would get in jail from doing that." Yoongi shrugged but Jimin wasn't convinced. "Or maybe I would... It looked really important anyway." Jimin frowned at this and he was sending Yoongi his glares. 

"Are you crazy, hyung?! Bring this back to Jungkook!" Jimin was handing the box to Yoongi but the older just stared at it, his hands dug inside his white coat.

"But I think that's yours though." 

"What?" Yoongi smirked at this before he started walking towards the door. But before he could even walk out, he turned his head back.

"Maybe you should give the kid another chance, Jimin... He's not bad at all." Yoongi winked and walked out finally.

"He's gone crazy..."

♛Scribbles♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now