Chapter 6

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"This will burn" Melissa warns me before dabbing some cream to heal my cuts faster.

"Holy moly" I hiss stomping hard. She squeezes my leg dabbing more around the cut.

"The left one looks like it's getting infected...... Try not to cover it much okay?" I nod rolling my sleeves down.

"Breakfast is ready" she smiles closing the door. She had the afternoon shift, I begged her to go rest but she said she likes to make breakfast for Scott.

I put on a pair of washout jeans,a blue T-shirt and a black hoodie. I put my hair in a messy bun and walk out the room.

I had a dream about Derek. It was actually sweet, he was holding my hand smiling. I looked happy with him.

"Oi Alex" I felt a little push. I quickly grab the handle.

"Whoa okay?" My heart was beating way to fast. I couldn't help but remember when my dad pushed me down the stairs.

I broke my arm but that didn't stop him from beating me.

"Uh y-y-yeah I'm fine" I force a laugh following him down the stairs.

"Morning mom" Scott gives her a kiss on the head sitting beside her.

I sit down grabbing a small piece of toast.

"No no no your eating" Melissa starts putting bacon,pancakes and eggs in my plate. At home I wasn't allowed to eat when they were home. I would go three days without food or water.

I take a couple bites of the pancakes and bacon. They kept looking at me until I ate half the food.

"What up my amigos" Stiles walks in like he lived here. He sits down taking a piece of bacon. Scott hands him a plate.

"Yesterday was strange"

"Derek is strange"

"I'm going to bed..... Have a good day at school guys" Melissa walks out.

"How old is he?" I say out loud making them look at me confused.

"I think he's like 23 or 22"

"We don't know much about him" I'm guessing they're not close friends.

"Crap we're gonna be late" I get up putting my messenger bag on and follow the guys outside.

I get in the car and wonder if I'll see Derek again.......


I'm sitting on bench again. It was getting cloudy, it looks like it's going to rain but it was still warm. I'm burning up like an oven but I couldn't take my hoodie out. My wrist were with bandages and I had cigarette marks all over my arms.

"Waiting for Stiles and Scott?" I jump at the voice beside me. I look up scared.

It looks like a kid from math class. Adam? Matthew? Ah Isaac!.

"Yeah" I try to calm myself down.

"I saw you alone from the parking and wanted to keep you company" he smiles sitting down beside me. I start biting my nails but try to act normal.

"You don't talk much eh?" I nod playing with my sleeves.

"Isaac" I look up at Derek looking mad. Isaac gets up and they stare at each other.

"I'll see you later Alex" Isaac walks away leaving me confused. They were just staring at each other and he left.

"Come on lets go eat" he walks to his car across the street.

I was so confused at why he wanted to eat with me.

"You coming?" He yells opening the door.

I wasn't sure if I should go with him but something inside me tells me it's not a bad idea.

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