Chapter 21

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Alex P.O.V

I keep my distance from Carter. 45 minutes passed and we were still in the highway. I couldn't stop biting my nails. I don't know what Carter wanted with me.

We got out of the highway and into a deserted pass way. He turns to a warehouse. It was old and big.

He parks the car and about 5 men came out of the warehouse. They looked like thugs but some were in suits?

"Is that her?" A guy with dark red hair said.

"Yeah Jake take her in a room and tie her" my eyes go wide when Jake grabbed my arm tightly pulling me inside. They are definitely not Derek's friends.

We climb up the stairs to a room. It was dark. He turns the light on and pushes me to the floor.

"Hands up" he says with a deep threatening voice. I do what he says.

He pulls my hands together and starts tying them. He tightens my hand leaving them numb. He does the same to my feet.

"Be a good girl and we won't hurt you" he says turning the lights off and leaves the room. I try to move to the corner. It's been two years since I've been in a dark room. My parents would lock me in for days without light.

I thought I was used to it but clearly I wasn't. I cover my face with my hands and begin to sob.

I hope he doesn't have Derek tied up somewhere in here.


"Hey you wake up" I felt someone touching my leg. I open my eyes moving away from the man.

"Had a nice nap?" He says laughing. He pulls me up by the arm.

"Walk" he holds my arm up and drags me to another room where Carter was sitting on top of a table.

"Leave her there" he points to a chair in the corner. The man scoffs quietly pushing the chair in front of Carter. He pushes me on the chair hard making my butt hurt.

"It feels good finally meeting the women who has Derek going crazy" he smirks looking at me. I look at my hands. It was like looking at my father again.

"Never thought how pretty you are" I hear him drag a chair closer to me.

"Pretty and with a dark past" he says pulling my sleeves up. He laughs making me flinch. How does he know I have a dark past? Not even Derek knows and he's my boyfriend.

"Are those bruises and burn marks from Derek" I look at him and shake my head no. Derek would never hurt me like my parents did.

How did he know about my bruises and burn marks if I'm wearing a sweater.

"No wonder why Derek likes you" he grabs my chin and lifts it up hard. He bites his bottom lip before laughing. I felt useless because I didn't have the guts to tell him to fuck off. I didn't have the strength to tell my dad back then.

"Jake give her something to eat" he yells to Jake who gave me a death glare. I guess he doesn't like me.

He pulls my arm hard dragging me to another room. Now this room was different, it had couches,a fridge,a tv and a big long table with chairs.

He sat me down mumbling something to himself.

"I have a ham sandwich,an apple and a soda. Do you want it?" He says annoyed. I nod looking at him.

"Yes or no!" He yells making me jump.

"Yes" I reply a little louder. He places the items in front of me.

"I'm not feeding you" he says leaving the room. I sigh to myself trying to open the can of pop.

I quickly eat the sandwich before he comes back. He looks like the type to get mad easily. I finally finish and wait for him.

He comes back with the guy who woke me up. He smiles evilly both grabbing one arm each.

They drag me down the stairs. They take me to another room to another stairs.

"Alex!" I see Derek in the middle of the room with Scott and Stiles behind him.

"Derek" I try to say but Jake covered my mouth.

"Let her go Carter" Derek says angrily. Carter laughs inhaling his cigarette and throwing it across the room.

"Oh Derek so naive."

"If you hurt her I'll fucking kill you" Derek yells moving a step forward but Jake puts his hand around my waist and his other hand on my neck with a knife.

Derek eyes go wide freezing in place. I stop moving and stand still.

The cold sharp end of the knife poked my skin. His breath was tickling my ear.

"Let her go Carter!" Derek says really loud.

Carter smirks lifting his hand up.

"Afraid I can't do that" he snaps and I felt a sharp pain going down my neck. I fall to the ground trying to grab my neck but the pain was to much.

"Alex" Stiles runs to me putting his hand on my neck. I look at Stiles hand it was full of blood. I should be crying in pain but I was numb.

I look at Derek and see him crack his neck and fangs come out of his mouth. His eyes changed to yellow then red. I was confused as he grabbed one of Carter's followers and snapped his neck.

"Alex stay with me!" Scott yells slapping my face but I felt tired.

I look for Derek but he was gone and all I see was darkness.

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