Chapter 8

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Alex P.O.V

I walk towards the door but turn around to wave goodbye. Derek smiles from the car and drives off.

I had a amazing time with him. We ate pizza which was good, I haven't had pizza in years. My parents would buy but they never gave me a slice or even a crumb.

"Where were you? I was worried something happened to you!" Scott says with crossed arms and Stiles had his hands on his hips. I close the door and walk to the couch.

"I went to eat pizza with Derek" I take out my shoes and look up at them.

"With Derek?" Stiles had a confused look. I nod shrugging.

"You're not confusing him with Isaac?" I shake my head getting up and walk up the stairs. They follow me to my room.

"No.... It was Derek" I was strange they didn't believe it or wanted to believe it.

He was sweet to me. When I was getting nervous at the diner he put his hand on mine. It felt nice and I know this is cheesy but it was like his hand was mine for me.

I know I'm full of shit.

"Ah I know why he came yesterday" Scott smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow confused. Stiles looks at Scott and nods understanding and smirks.

"What are you saying?" I take out my hoodie and forgot I had a t-shirt on.

"Oh my god" Stiles eyes widen. Scott's did the same. I quickly hide my arms behind me.

I was left speechless. How stupid are you! Now you have to explain everything to them.

"I-I-I my um uh" I stutter looking down.

I felt one of them gently pull me to the bed. They sat beside me, I was in the middle trying to think of an explanation to give them.

"My parents um beat me and burn me" they both put their arms around my shoulder.

"You don't have to explain...... Just know you're not alone anymore." Stiles smiles.

"You have us now" Scott squeezes my arm half smiling.

"Thanks" I felt loved which was a feeling I never had. I don't know if this is real but it sure feels like it....

Moments {1} ᴅᴇʀᴇᴋ ʜᴀʟᴇΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα