Chapter 26

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Alex P.O.V

"Do you eat people?" I look at him with a smile.

"No I don't" he says laughing. I felt the weight on shoulder lift off when he found out my past. I was really surprise when he didn't leave me for my ugly burn marks and bruises.

"Alex? How are you? can I come in?" Scott knocks on the door and I get up from the floor and open a little.

"I'm good Scott" I smile at him trying for him not to see Derek. I don't want to cause a problem with him or mrs.McCall because it's not my house.

"Good. I got food you want some?" He tries to look in but I close it behind me.

"Sure" I say smiling. He looked at me weird.

"Why so happy?" I just shrug following him downstairs to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna eat in my room, I'm watching a movie" I say fulling the whole plate. He raised his eyebrow confused. I smile grabbing two cans of coke and run upstairs locking the door behind me.

"I hope you like chicken cause I've been eating that for days" I hand him the plate and turn the tv on.

"You're not going to eat?" Derek says taking a piece of chicken.

"Not hungry" Scott and Mrs.McCall left me food before they left for work and school.

He nods continuing to eat. I look at him with a smile. He made me happy. He brings a smile to my day and makes me forget about my past.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" He look at the food with a pain look.

"No they didn' did you meet him?" I was curious how someone like Carter was friends with Derek and why Derek stayed with those scary people.

"After my uncle left town, I was alone so I decided to follow him. I couldn't find him but Carter knew my uncle and took me in. I spend a few months with him and his buddies but they got crazy and started hurting and killing people for no reason. I left his gang and he didn't like it."

"Is he a werewolf too?" From what Derek told me he can read minds so I guessing Carter can too after he told me about my past.

"Yes and so is his buddies....... Scott is too" he finished eating and wrapped his arms around me.

"I hate that they did that to you" he looks at my neck and kisses my forehead.

"It's okay Derek I had worse" I really did have worse. My father came home drunk and drugged out he woke me up in the middle of the night and cut me in the stomach with a broken beer bottle. He laughed and left me bleeding. I had to go to the hospital alone and got 9 stitches.

"My dad did this" I lift my shirt up and show him my big scar. His eyes go wide in surprise but it soon changes to anger.

"What kind of monster does this to his own daughter!" He yells making fists and hitting the floor.

I grab his hands in mine.

"They always hated me. It started with my mom trying to get pregnant but lost it. My father changed and....." I tear up looking at my hands.

"I don't understand why they hated me....... I still don't " I wipe my face and force a smile.

He looked at me and pulled me to him. He rubs my back as I cry in his chest.

"Shh Alex...... I can't tell you the reason because I don't know but your not alone anymore. You have me now and I'll never leave you or hurt you"


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