Chapter 4 - Mik

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Five years since that monster murdered his father. Twelve years since he slaughtered half his family and his grandfather. Twelve years since that fucker took everything from him.

Mikwam wanted blood. He wanted to see the bastard scream and writhe in agony before he slit his throat. He would give Noodin a quick death, not that he deserved it, but because he couldn't risk having him slip out of his grasp.

And then that male appeared in the woods at the border and screwed everything up.

His mate.

He should have killed that runt. He got in his way.

Even with his lust for blood, he couldn't bring himself to harm that male.

A growl reverberated faintly from his chest. He couldn't wait to get his claws around his throat.

He ruined everything.

A faint muffled moan beside him stirred the blood in his veins. A beeping noise picked up speed as a rustle hinted at another's presence. Mik inhaled, a pleasing aroma filled his senses. He groaned before breathing the delicious scent in more deeply, drawing it in to fill every crevice in his lungs. It smelled familiar but he couldn't place it.

Then it hit him and his eyes shot open.

The smell. The forest. That male.

His mate.

With a snarl, he lurched forward, looking around in the dimly lit room and the monitor beeping his racing heartbeat and a tube attached to a bag hanging on a rack next to him. More importantly, on the other side of him in an identical bed pressed next to his was that male.

"Hey, you're awake," the male mumbled as he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

A more forceful growl ripped through Mik's throat as he yanked the wires and tube from his body and threw his legs over the side of the bed—only to tumble out of it.

"Hey! Slow down!" the male called out, rushing to Mik's side.

"Get away from me!" Mik snarled, pushing him away and failing. The room spun as the blood rushed from his head. It was then he noticed his right arm and leg were plastered and unmoving and he lost balance instead of shoving the male away.

He flinched but helped Mik up anyway.

An older female rushed in to help him ease Mik back onto the bed. "There, there, now. You need to be more careful or you'll rebreak your arm and leg and we wouldn't want that, would we?"

"Bring me your alpha!" Mik demanded, pulling free from their grasp as soon as he was on the bed.

She set her hands on her hips. "You, sir, are in no position to demand anything from me."

"You will bring him to me or I will rip out your throat!"

Before he could blink, she had her hand wrapped around his throat and squeezed it tight. He gasped for air as he stared into her narrowed eyes.

"You forget your place, rogue. Need I remind you that you are in no position to demand anything?"

"Eloise!" the male cried as he and Mik tried to pry her hand from his throat.

She held on for a few more painful seconds before releasing him and he fell back on his bed, coughing and wheezing.

"Speak to me like that again, and next time you'll get my teeth. It's three o'clock in the morning. Alpha is sleeping. You are not worth waking him up," she said before turning to the male. "I'm sorry, Sam. You better watch yourself. He's got an attitude problem."

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now