Chapter 31 - Sam (Part 2)

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Pain constricted across Sam's chest as Mik cleaned the bloodstains from the blanket in the bathroom.

They set Mik up? His best friend and Alpha? Why? How could they do that?

When Mik emerged from the bathroom, his palms were wrapped in gauze. He marched to the storage closest and pulled out a spare blanket. His nose wrinkled when he sniffed it as he brought it over. "It's a little musty. I'll wash it tomorrow."

"You're lying," Sam accused.

Mik stared at him for a moment, his eyes calculating as they hardened at the accusation. "About what? Those so-called friends of yours? You weren't there. They told me it was a set-up. They wanted to see me fail."

Sam shook his head. "I... I don't believe it. They wouldn't do that. They all wanted to see us come together and work through our issues and be happy. Alpha encouraged me to be patient because he suspected you'd been abused by your crazy father."

"My father killed Noodin's sons and would have killed all of them too if he got the chance. Did he tell you that? Did he tell you that he can't stand to look at my face either?" Mik growled, tossing the blanket at the foot of the bed. "Noodin's had it in for me since the beginning."

"Yes, I know all that. And I know he's struggling to give you the benefit of the doubt. To give you a chance to start over as my mate." Sweat gathered as Sam's body trembled in anxiety. "Everyone has tried to give you a chance. I know that. They wouldn't—"

"I'm not lying!" Mik snapped. He snatched the phone from the bedside table and tossed it against Sam's side next to his hand. "Call your fucking alpha and find out for yourself."

Sam winced as Mik stormed across the cabin and slammed the front door shut. Fear and anxiety coiled around his chest as he squeezed his eyes shut. Why would they set Mik up with a baiter if they were also encouraging their relationship? Did they want to see Mik fail? He knew it would be hard for anyone to accept his mate given that he attacked the pack. He knew Mik would have been locked up—or worse, killed—had he not been Sam's mate. But to set him up behind their backs while also encouraging their relationship to their faces? He couldn't help but question which was true. Or were they both true? Were they both being tested in some way?

His fingers curled around his phone but he couldn't bring himself to swipe his finger across the screen and call Alpha.

Things had been getting better. They were communicating better. Mik accepted his Klinefelter Syndrome and lifted the weight off Sam's shoulders. They had begun sharing the bed together at night, Mik holding him and making Sam feel special and needed and cherished. The birthday party went well with only one little awkward glitch.

Why did Mik have to ruin their good day? How long did he know about this? Why was he bringing it up now if he'd known about it for a while? More importantly, what were they going to do about it? Sam didn't want any more confrontations but in order to get to the truth and work through this, he knew he was going to have to face Alpha and Cameron about it—and soon.

Minutes passed as Sam struggled to regain composure. Thoughts and feelings of betrayal collided together as he dragged air into aching lungs and exhaled shuddering breaths. He swiped his finger across the screen numerous times but always froze as he debated calling Alpha. Mik wanted him to call. Left him to find out for himself what the truth was if he wouldn't believe him.

Sam didn't want to believe Mik was telling the truth.

Why would the people who love him set up his mate without thinking about how it would affect Sam? Did they ever believe their own words of hope and encouragement for him? Or had they always suspected that Sam would never be good enough for a female-loving male?

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now