Chapter 36 - Mik - Feeling HOT HOT HOT

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Blood rushed to the surface of Sam's cheeks with more heat as his lips unfurled in a shy smile.

Sliding his hand behind Sam's head, Mik coaxed him closer to brush his lips against Sam's. He didn't deserve this male but he wanted this male. Needed this male. Would die for this male.

He kissed Sam softly, savoring the gentle caresses of his lips as his chest burned for this male. "I want you..." he uttered, his voice rumbling from his chest, "but not until you're stronger."

A whimper of need emitted from Sam. Power surged to Mik's cock at the sound of it, drawing forth a groan as Sam reached up and wrapped his hand around Mik's nape, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

More. The need for more built up as an ache gripped him like a tight fist around his balls.

Momentarily breaking the connection, Mik grabbed Sam's hips and guided him to straddle his lap. Sam's arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned into Mik and grasped his lips, burning up with desire. His hot mouth devoured with a hunger that mounted in intensity. His scent dripped with a syrupy sweetness that clouded Mik's mind. Instinct and lust increased as Sam began to gently rock his hips. Through their clothing, Mik could feel Sam's little head, hard and erect, rubbing against his own. Mik's canines descended, nipping at Sam's bottom lip and drawing forth a moan. Sam was sweating. Panting with exertion he wasn't used to exerting as he grasped for Mik's lips, kissing him harder and riding Mik to the point of nearly making him cum in his pants.

Collapsing, he pressed his forehead to Mik's, both of them breathing hard and their cocks aching to cum. Mik's body trembled, fighting against the urge to sink his teeth into the soft flesh between Sam's neck and collarbone and claim him as his.

"Dammit. I'm so hot and tired and horny," Sam uttered between pants.

An idea struck Mik. He pressed his lips to Sam's temple. "Wait here."

As Mik tore himself away, Sam groaned in frustration. Going into the bathroom, Mik put the plug in the tub and turned the faucets on.

"Hey!" Sam protested from beyond the ajar door.

"Wait," Mik hollered back, putting the lid of the toilet down before emerging and going to the linens closet. "Valentine's Day present number two," he asserted as he grabbed two towels.

"I'm too tired for a shower," Sam complained.

"Nah, nah, nah. A bath. For two."

Mik set the towels on the toilet, checked the water's temperature and grabbed the oil lamp as he flicked the lights of the cabin on.

Sam hummed in approval. "A bath together sounds nice."

Bringing the oil lamp into the bathroom, Mik turned the lights off and dimmed the wick. He checked the temperature of the water again and adjusted it before returning to Sam and helping him out of his sweaty clothes.

His skin was fiery hot to the touch. Sam looked up at him with hooded eyes, biting his bottom lip and making Mik's balls clench.

Lifting Sam up into his arms, he carried him into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Sam stole a kiss before Mik set his feet in the bathwater.

"It's too hot."

Mik helped to support him standing there as he reached for the faucet to reduce the heat. Turning back to him, he supported him as he stood in the water, kissing Sam's lips hungrily as his nectar-sweet scent filled the tiny space.

A few seconds later, Mik pulled away. "Is the temperature okay now?"


Mik helped to set him down in the water before he turned it off.

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara