Chapter 28 - Sam (Part 1)

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Cracking open his eyes in the dim lamplight, Sam drew in a deep breath. Mik's scent surrounded him and it was a struggle to lift those heavy lids when that smell lulled him back into a comfortable and peaceful sleep.

Mik's warm body was wrapped around his. His face buried in the crook of Sam's neck. His exhalations fanned across Sam's flesh. His shirt was still open with Mik's arm draped across his torso.

He couldn't get a good view of Mik's sleeping face, but he felt the contentment, the peace, the comfort of him radiating off.

How long had he longed for this? To share a bed with Mik. To wake up in his embrace. To find peace and comfort in the arms of his mate. To be kissed and feel loved.

There was no love in their first kiss months ago. It was as Mik had said: It was the matebond. There was no love, no intimacy, only lust, power, and dominance. This time, Mik kissed him slowly. There was a tenderness in his caresses that brought tears to Sam's eyes. There was so much emotion that he couldn't handle it and Mik didn't mind. He wiped the tears away, brushed his lips across his cheeks and eyelids, threatening more tears to fall.

It pained Sam to be unable to reach up and touch the thin beard along Mik's jaw. He wanted to touch and feel Mik under his fingertips too. To communicate his feelings in something so simple and subtle.

He couldn't believe that he told Mik about his Klinefelter's, and he couldn't believe that Mik didn't care. The truth generated more understanding than Sam thought possible. Such a weight had been lifted, but at the same time, there was fear lingering under the surface.

Everything seemed too good to be true. It wouldn't last. It couldn't last. Mik would grow frustrated with him. His eyes might linger...

Mik stirred next to him, releasing a soft groan in his ear. A nose followed by his coarse beard brushed lightly across Sam's neck, making him shiver. An inkling of desire swept over him as Mik's nose continued to brush up and down his neck, inhaling his scent and exhaling with a rumble from his chest.

"That's better. What's got you so nervous? Me?" Mik's voice rumbled, a deep tremor edged in sleepiness. His lips pulled into a grin against the curve of Sam's neck and shoulder, the place where mates place their mark.

Swallowing with difficulty, Sam realized how dry his mouth was. A need he hadn't felt since his fall stirred in his pants. At least those muscles still worked. "Maybe."

"Why? I won't bite... yet."

Teeth grazed over the sensitive skin in the dip of his shoulder. Heat so intense and shocking, Sam gasped while Mik groaned. Fiery energy shot down to his groin and his hips bucked. His spine bowed. His fingers fisted the bedsheet as his toes curled. His heart strained in his chest, beating hard and fast as he struggled to get enough air into his lungs to meet the increased demand.

Mik, likewise, was struggling next to him. Growls reverberated within his chest as his hot breath panted against Sam's shoulder. A thick haze of lust proliferated the air as it poured forth from both of their pores as Mik jerked away. His hand covered his mouth as dilated averted their gaze.

Staggering to his feet, Mik stumbled to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him.

Sam stared up at the ceiling. His heart raced, pounding against his ribs while his lungs burned with exertion.

What just happened? Was Mik serious or just teasing? Did Mik tease? Was he capable of that?

What happened in those two months he was sleeping?

Sam could hear Mik muttering curses to himself before the shower turned on. Not long after, he dropped the F-bomb loudly. Water must be freezing. They'd be lucky if they even got warm water out of those taps with the storm threatening to cut off power from the generator.

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