Chapter 29 - Mik

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All the chatter and noise died down with the closing of the door. The overwhelming smells of unknown food and wolves he barely knew, passing judgment and fake happiness. Not one of them was sincere. They couldn't be. Just a few months ago, they were all plotting against him. Setting him up for failure to prove that Sam deserved better and he...

Who was he?

The son of a would-be alpha who not only lost his mate suddenly and was left to care for a pup but lost himself in the tragedy that struck them.

A male who grew up without knowing his mother and the mere mention of her was met with fists.

A male who knew only violence, destruction, and sex; rage, hatred, and lust for power.

A failure: incapable of avenging the murder of his father and relatives who refused to submit to another.

A delinquent: unable to ensure a prosperous future for a pack without a basic education.

A monster: who drove the only good thing he ever had over the edge.

He would have killed every single one of them out there if he had been strong enough.

And they wanted to celebrate the day of his birth?

Locking the door, he strode to the sink. There was a urinal to the right of it and a stall behind him. A mirror hung on the wall over the sink and he barely recognized the male that looked back at him. His tall broad frame lost its muscle. He looked leaner, tamer, softer. A shadow of his former self. The fire in his eyes was gone, replaced by something else that shook the air out of his lungs.

Bending forward and hanging his head, he gripped the edge of the sink and put his weight on his arms as his knees buckled.

His drive and motivation were gone. Everything he knew, he had put behind him. His dreams, aspirations—all were quenched at his failure to beat Noodin and claim what he deemed to be rightfully his.

He was no match.

He had to live with his defeat—a notion he hadn't considered because the way of the alphas was life or death. Rule or die.

But for the sake of Sam... the rules were broken.

Broken pride was one thing. Learning to submit to someone else was another.

But being celebrated by the one you wished to kill with every ounce of your being? Being embraced into life instead of death by the one who destroyed your family and everything you knew?

How could any of them stand together in that room and celebrate him? Bring him gifts and food they had made?

If any of it was sincere—why?

Why would they do this?

He couldn't fathom it. He didn't deserve any of it. He didn't even deserve a mate like Sam, and yet Sam had put this together with Luna Aki's help.


His actions, his selfishness, and his blindness almost killed Sam.

True, he wanted to change and correct his wrongs, but this?

It was too much.

The door rattled gently before there was a light knocking. "Mik?" Noodin's voice sounded from the other side.

Sweat began to build. How strong was that door? Would he break it down to get him?

The lock clicked and Noodin walked in calmly, pulling the key out before shutting the door behind him.

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now