Chapter 22 - Mik (Part 1)

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Another week passed and snow began to fall. Sam had been in a coma for over seven weeks now—almost two months.

Mik was thoroughly bored and tired of being cooped up inside all day. He yearned to shift and go out and play in the snow, but he refused to leave Sam's side—even if he was permitted to go out. He was feeling restless, the energy within him was stirring up and he felt as though Sam would wake up any moment. He couldn't say how he knew, it was just a sense. It was a nervous energy, one that made him pace and repeatedly massage Sam's body and move his limbs, talking to him with confidence that he would wake up soon and see that Mik was different. That he was sorry he cheated on him but that he wanted to try again. That he realized, more than anything, he wanted to be loved and he believed Sam was the only one who could give him that.

"All I ask is another chance, please," he said, holding Sam's hand, feeling the warmth in his skin, the sparks firing off, and his strong, steady heartbeat pulsing in his veins.

There was a rapping on the door and Mik hung his head. He lay Sam's hand down at his side and rose from the edge of the bed. He knew who was on the other side of the door. He was the only one to knock and wait for him to answer since Mik was permitted to get up and move about.

Lifting his head and squaring his shoulders, he walked to the door and pulled it open.

Alpha Noodin's dark brown eyes stared back into his, only a few inches higher.

Swallowing, Mik stepped back and lowered his eyes and inclined his neck. "Alpha." He sniffed and peered around him. "Luna."

The female scoffed and pushed herself between the two males. "While you two stare each other down, I'm going to visit with Sam."

Stepping back further, Mik kept his head lowered as he held the door open.

"How is he?" Noodin asked, not moving an inch.

"Everyone will tell you the same thing they've been saying for weeks now. But today I feel... energy... like I hadn't before," he said.

"That's wonderful news, Mikwam." Luna Aki eased down on the edge of Sam's bed and took the hand Mik previously held moments ago.

"And you, Luna? How are you? I know Sam would be happy to hear it as this is your first time visiting him," Mik said, maintaining his submissive posture and eyes on the floor.

"I'm feeling much better, thank you," she said to him before her voice turned away toward Sam. "I haven't thrown up yet today, Sam. I think I'm finally past that stage. This one was brutal. None of my males ever gave me so much trouble. Just a few more months and then you can meet her. She's going to be a stubborn free-spirit, I'm sure."

"She?" Mik asked, looking up and glancing from Aki to Noodin.

"Yes, we just got it confirmed," Noodin said.

Mik was happy for them, but clamped his mouth shut and lowered his head again. Resentment still gripped him and he could feel his muscles clenching on their own. As much as he hated this male, this male took Sam out of his shitty home. No one helped Mik when he was a pup when his father beat him—not even his grandparents.

As much as he didn't want to leave Sam's side with these wolves, he knew they would never hurt him. "I'll give you all some privacy."

Turning to leave, Noodin blocked his path. "A word."

Inclining his head, Mik followed Noodin out of the infirmary to a quiet corner in the hallway.

"Yes, Alpha?" he asked, concealing the emotion in his voice and trying to reign in his mounting resentment.

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon