Chapter 13 - Sam

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Sam stared at the framed picture of him and Andrew resting at the top of one of the boxes on his bed in the dorm. He struggled to breathe, his lungs twisting in on themselves. It was the same feeling he got after Andrew's death.

Only Andrew stuck up for him. Only Andrew smiled and encouraged him to try other things when he sucked at everything. Encouraged him to focus on his studies, even though he still managed to be only average. Andrew helped him with his stuttering speech, his dyslexia, his inability to focus...

When Andrew died, Sam was lost.

All the progress he had made in his life with Andrew vanished. He could hardly speak a word without stammering incoherently. He couldn't sleep. Couldn't focus. He was so emotionally distraught that he started having panic attacks and burst into tears for no reason.

He got kicked out of school for skipping so much. He could hardly breathe when he stepped foot onto the schoolyard.

He kept asking himself, 'How? How can I do this without you?'

The world was crashing down on him and he didn't know how to keep going.

He didn't fit in anywhere and no one cared.

But Alpha and Luna noticed.

He wasn't a pup anymore and he couldn't depend on them like he used to. He had to make his own decisions now, walk his own path with his head held high and not let his anxiety of the world crush him like it once did.

But his mate... The one made for him...

He whimpered, unable to even finish his thoughts because the pain in his chest hurt so much.

He should have known better.

He'll never be good enough.

Another whimper escaped him as he wiped the moisture from his cheeks.

Such a coward. Too afraid to even face Mik now. The disgust on his face...

A light rapping on the door made his head spin as he jerked his attention toward it. Dizzy, he sat down on the edge of his bed and held his head in his hands as he tried to get air into his twisted lungs.

"Yeah?" he croaked out.

"Can I come in?" It was Luna Aki.

He whimpered again. "Yeah."

The door opened with a click and Luna's sickly scent punched him in the nose. Looking up, his nose wrinkled as his furrowed eyes met her concern-filled ones.

She wavered in the doorway for a second, her eyes growing large, before sitting next to him on the bed and pulling him into her arms. "Sam, what's wrong? It will be okay."

He clung to her, her familiar scent, though tainted, comforted him as he buried his nose in the crook of her neck. He inhaled and exhaled a shuddering breath as she stroked his head and rubbed his back. She held him as his haggard breaths smoothed out and fresh tears began to fall.

"Sam? Talk to me, please," she said after his tears had subsided and he began to hiccup.

"It's n-not w-working," he stammered through his hiccups. "Th-The matebond... It's n-not enough."

"Don't say that, Sam. There's still time. He'll come around."

He shook his head on her tear-soaked shoulder, wrapping his arms tighter around her. "H-He won't. H-He likes f-females. I'm not—I can't..."

That stupid Y-chromosome!

He squeezed his eyes shut. "I-I want t-to die..."

"Sam." Her voice was stern.

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن