Chapter 11 - Sam (Part 2)

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Sam didn't want to be reminded of what Alpha had to do to maintain his position, but he knew Mik was right.

Alpha Noodin could be soft when he needed to be and hard when he needed to be. Imagining him as a ruthless killer was tough when he was everything Sam needed him to be during his darkest hours—caring, considerate, supportive, and firm.

After all, Alpha was giving Mik a chance when he knew very well that Mik was a threat not only to his position and family but the well-being of the pack itself. Mik didn't deserve a chance, but he was given one for Sam's sake.

It was a nice day outside, not as hot as the previous few, with a nice breeze and a blue sky. After dropping his dishes off at the kitchen, he hurried over to Alpha and Luna's house. After getting their permission, he hurried back to his mate with two sets of keys in his pockets.

Busting into the back room, his mate was right where he left him, looking bored but comfortable.

"Hey, want to go out for a drive?"

Confusion tilted Mik's head and furrowed his brows.

Sam held up one of the two sets of keys. "I know someplace nice we can go that will be easy to push you around in the wheelchair. Change of scenery. Sound good?"

Mik looked away, his shoulders slouching. "I don't want to be out in public like this."

Grinning, Sam pushed the wheelchair to the side of his bed. It was interesting to see Mik so self-conscious about his physical state. "Don't worry. There won't be too many humans out there and even fewer wolves if any. You're not scared of a few stares from humans, are you?"

Mik perked up at the challenge. "Of course not. But there's no way I'm going anywhere in a hospital gown."

He had a point.

"I'll see what I can do," Sam told him before running out the door and to the dorms.

Of the three males on his floor still in their rooms (sleeping in preparation for the night shift), only one answered his door and languidly handed over a worn-out pair of flip-flops and a faded hunter green shirt and cargo shorts. Sam hoped they fit as he sprinted back to his mate because none of his own clothes would fit him.

He made a mental note to himself to keep an eye out for some boxers or briefs at the shops as he helped Mik get dressed and comb his hair back into a ponytail. Mik didn't even grumble about Sam helping him. Either he was getting used to it, or he'd come to accept that there was no use grumbling over something he couldn't do on his own.

Sam liked touching Mik and combing his hair. Sparks fired off and made him feel happy and giddy every time. He could tell Mik felt them too but he concealed his reactions now—which was a lot better than the rage and disgust that burst forth from him a few days ago.

Wheeling Mik out of the infirmary and to the garage, he helped him into one of the pack cars and put the folded wheelchair in the trunk before climbing in himself. He couldn't wipe the massive grin off his face as he turned on the ignition and rolled the windows down. He glanced over at Mik and caught him staring at the line of motorcycles along the one wall.

"Once you're all healed, we can take a pair out and go for a drive," Sam suggested as he carefully backed the vehicle out of the garage.

Mik tore his eyes away from them and grunted.


"Don't laugh."

"What?" Sam pressed his lips together to keep from smirking at Mik's disgruntled scowl.

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now