Chapter 15 - Mik (Part 2)

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Mik hit the gym two weeks after his casts came off and the dumbbells were no longer challenging his healed limbs. At the same time, Sam started going regularly to the infirmary for a couple of hours Monday to Thursday mornings with exams on Friday mornings. He explained that the first week would be answering questions and clarifying his readings with a hands-on approach as he explored the tools of the trade and familiarized himself around the space. Sam would spend the rest of the day studying with his weekends a little more free to do what he wanted.

Sam would walk with Mik to the training center before heading to the infirmary in the next building over. Sam would then pick him up when he was done and they'd return to their cabin.

It was the only time Mik got away from Sam. The only time he got to exhale and breathe fresh air that didn't hold Sam's scent. The only time he felt the clenching in his chest as he watched Sam walk away to the infirmary, books underarm with a slight skip in his step.

Fucking matebond.

Asshole Noodin was there, waiting for him on his first day.

Hackles raised, Mik forced himself to lower his head in respect.

"Sam tells me that you're doing well. Straightening yourself out while he focuses on his studies."

"Yes, Alpha."

"I trust you'll be on your best behavior while you use my facilities—for Sam's sake."

"Yes, Alpha."

"No funny business, Mikwam," Noodin warned. "I have eyes on you when Sam's not around. One slip and my wolves will have their claws around your throat. Their teeth ripping out your jugular."

Mik's hands balled into fists at his sides. "Yes, Alpha."

Noodin nodded. "Good. You're completely healed now: it is time we discuss your next step. Will you and Sam consummate the matebond, pledge your loyalty to me and the pack, or not."

"Right now?"

Noodin's eyes narrowed as he regarded Mik in quiet contemplation for a moment. "If you need more time, that's fine. I can't force you to consummate a relationship that you're not ready for—that is entirely none of my business. But we must discuss soon where you stand in this pack. I cannot have an outsider living among us, hunting on our land, eating from our cafeteria, using our health services, and accessing our exercise facilities for long."


Mik's nails bit into his palms as he forced his head to bow lower. "Yes, Alpha. I understand."

"I will check back with you soon. Come, let me show you around."

Biting back his tongue, Mik followed him into the building. The first floor had an in-ground heated pool with a sauna, change rooms, and washrooms off to the side. The second floor was for combat training. The third floor had exercise equipment. The fourth floor had a lounge and daycare services for pups of wolves exercising or training.

Entering the workout room on the third floor, Mik was surprised by how huge it was. Dozens of machines of every kind lined up next to each other with mirrors on every wall between the windows to let light in. Fans whirled overhead to blow the stink of sweat out the vents. The longest wall of windows held shelves of dumbbells of all sizes with benches lined up before it.

There were a dozen other wolves in the workout room; mostly males but there were a few females as well. All eyes turned toward them and shifted curiously, cautiously, between him and Noodin.

The hairs on his nape bristled. He suppressed a growl, reminding himself to be on his best behavior.

He knew his scent gave him away. He wasn't one of their own, but a foreign male invading their space.

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now