Chapter 15 - Mik (Part 1)

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The moment Sam returned, relief flooded over Mik. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he needed Sam. And as much as he didn't want to admit it, he was worried when Sam didn't return. He barely slept all night, unable to get comfortable and the only thing that helped was to lay one of Sam's shirts over the pillow he slept on. That male's scent had grown on him—and he was damned if he'd admit that truth too.

Even though that male stank with anxiety when he stepped foot into the cabin, Mik gritted his teeth to bear it.

He watched Sam prepare breakfast for them—wrinkling his nose as Sam scraped the bottom of the frying pan and a burnt stench wafted up.

"Shoot!" Sam's voice was hushed as he hurried to get the burning eggs off the gas. He was distracted, trying to also fry bacon in another pan with sausages in another. Clearly, he'd never cooked for himself—not even something as simple as eggs.

"How do you burn eggs?" Mik mumbled as Sam scraped the eggs onto the plates on the counter before hurrying back to the stove.

Heat rushed up Sam's neck. "I-I don't know..."

Without a table, or coffee table even, Mik sat on the couch, looking over his shoulder as Sam worked. If it wasn't for his bum leg, they could sit on the floor...

He waited until Sam was all done and brought him his plate. His stomach snarled and Mik bit back the urge to complain about his hunger. He had to be nicer to Sam and no one liked a complainer—not even himself.

"Sorry, it's a little well done..." Sam mumbled as he sat on the floor across from Mik.

"It's fine." Mik ate the semi-charred breakfast, too hungry to even care that it tasted like charcoal.

He remembered the first few days he and his father lived in the wilderness between territories. How he had tried to cook and burned everything to a crisp as well. He smirked to himself. He had tried so hard and cried the first few times before he started to learn his lesson.

"What's so funny?" Sam's question was hesitant, cautious, but curious.

"Just remembering my first attempts at cooking. I burned everything too. I was nine then, so... better to burn the food than myself or to try and eat something undercooked."

Sam nodded, cautiously nibbling on the eggs on his plate and scrunching his nose up. He heaved a sigh and slumped his shoulders as he set his plate aside.

"You going to eat that?" Mik asked, pointing his fork at the abandoned food.

"No," Sam grumbled. "It's gross. I never do anything right."

He brushed off Sam's negativity. "Nah, you just need more practice. Bring it here. I'll eat it. Can't let anything go to waste."

His father always beat him if he never finished the meal he provided. Everything had to be used. Even the bones that were too big to crunch down were reboiled until all the flavor was gone.

Sam handed over the plate and watched Mik shovel the food down with his nose still scrunched up. "Goddess, you're like a garbage disposal."

"Can't help it. I'm lucky to eat today. Tomorrow, I might not."

"You're not a rogue anymore," Sam reminded him. "I won't let you starve."

Mik shook his head, still crunching away at the charred bacon. You left last night without dinner. I'm bound to fuck up again and miss another meal.

"Have you ever cooked for yourself or anyone else before?" Mik asked between bites.

"No..." More heat crawled up Sam's neck and ears. "When I left home, Luna cooked for me until they put me and Cam together to work through our issues. Cam cooked for me then. I was pretty messed up..."

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now