Chapter 35 - Mik (Part 1)

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Mik hurried to complete Sam's favorite dishes and dessert in the hours he had to complete them. Time would fly by, he knew.

Clement stopped by about half an hour into Mik's cooking to drop off the table.

"It really is a fine piece of furniture you got there. You did a good job. I'll consider taking you under my wing if you want," Clement said as Mik scrambled to make the cake—for the second time.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll think about it," he replied, separating the last egg white from the yolk and dumping it into the large mixing bowl. Why did a cake need so many fucking egg whites?

Clement left while Mik beat the egg whites to the right consistency.

The second cake also failed and Mik, getting frustrated, tried once more, hoping that the third time was the charm. When he was done, it looked good and he shoved it in the oven before rushing to get the rest of the food done.

Time passed and Mik's cake came out perfect. He set it aside to cool, upside-down, like Luna showed him, and continued his mad dash to finish the meal on time. He didn't have time to spread the buttermilk frosting it and hoped Sam didn't mind if he waited a bit after their meal to have a slice.

Ignoring the pile of dishes in the sink (he'd get to them later), he set the table with all the food (covered—hoping they would still be warm when they got back) and plates with the oil lamp in the center, turned the lights of the cabin off, and ran out the door to get Sam.

The sun was still up, though low in the sky as he dashed across the valley. He ran as fast as he could, knowing he was already late and the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint Sam on their first Valentine's Day.

Sam was waiting inside with Dr. Waaban, the sled ready to go outside the side doors. When they caught sight of him, Dr. Waaban wheeled Sam out and helped him onto the sled.

"Sorry I'm late," Mik said between pants for air. Damn, out of shape too, he scolded himself.

"It's okay," Sam told him. "We didn't wait long."

While Mik secured Sam to the sled, he asked him how both of his exams went.

"Good, I think. I won't know until tomorrow about the results of my nursing test, but Dr. Waaban said I'm getting stronger. I still have a long way to go but maybe in another week or two I'll be able to stand and walk around a bit."

Mik looked into his eyes and pulled Sam's scarf over his nose. "Good. I'm glad to hear it."

Standing back up, Mik nodded his head in greeting to Dr. Waaban and thanked him before setting out with Sam behind him.

The snow was starting to melt, making the walk back a little harder with the sled. Temperatures were rising as a wind from the south blew in. The sun dipped lower in the sky, touching the horizon and turning the expanse of blue into an orange-red.

"Can I ask now or should I wait and be surprised?" Sam asked behind Mik.

Mik's head shook, his lips curving up a bit. "Wait."

Sam sighed in exasperation, a playfulness rubbing the edge. "Fine, fine, if you insist."

When they arrived, Mik picked Sam up and carried him into the cabin. Sam gasped as Mik stepped inside and set him on one of the two wooden chairs that belonged to the old table. "You got us a new table and made dinner."

"Not just any table," Mik said as he pushed Sam's chair closer to the edge, "but one I made."

Sam gaped at him as he headed back to the door to unload Sam's wheelchair and noticed a wrapped gift with it. After putting the sled away, Mik returned with the foldable chair and gift.

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now