Chapter 4

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~ Time skip ~

"Mr Johnson. Mr Johnson." A calming voice woke me up as I turned to see the lecturer standing there with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay? You've never slept in your classes before." Oh shit. Out of all people, this Fayne just got to be the hardworking one. I fear for his grades. What if I fuck them all up?

"Sorry Sir, I get these random sharp pains in my head now and then. It's hard to endure it." I lied, faking hurt as I held my head.

"Oh. Do you need me to call your parents to fetch you?" He offered as he got ready his phone. Oh no thank you.

"It's alright, Sir. Thank you. I have pain killers at home." I quickly stepped in, forcing out a pained smile to make my acting more realistic. Man, this is exhausting.

"Ah...okay then. Take care, Fayne. Hope you get better soon. Until then take it a little easy ok?" He breathed out a sigh of relief as he handed me a piece of chocolate. Sweet, free food.

"Yes, Sir. Thanks for your concern." I beamed widely at him as he nodded with a soft smile before leaving with his lesson materials in hand. Man, it's not easy lying to such a nice guy. I feel bad. Seeing my watch, I smiled to myself seeing that it's supposedly break time already. Standing up, a 'oops' left my lips upon landing my eyes on the drool stain on the silver gorilla's textbook. Thank goodness it's wrapped with clear plastic or he'll have my ass. Wiping it quickly, I place it back onto his desk before leaving the class and find myself hanging mid-air. what?

Sighing loudly, I looked up to find the same pair of dark orbs staring down at me, seemingly pissed. I swear he has a crush on me or something. Why else will he keep picking on me? Let's see what he wants then.  "Yo." I waved as he glared at me even more angrily. "Don't glare so much. You'll end up pushing out those gorgeous black orbs of yours. What a waste." Hearing that, his eyes softened a little as a small smirk appeared on his lips. "Then you can't see how I'm gonna beat your ass up." I smirked. Okay, I should really buy a mouth filter but I can't help but say the truth sometimes.

Almost immediately, I felt myself getting flung to the side like a rag doll, smashing against the metal lockers. Well, that hurt like a bitch. I should really pump some muscles into this weak body.

"Watch out fag. You've embarrassed me enough already." He growled, pulling me up by the collar to face him with just one hand. Oof strong. Ah wait my mouth hurts, did I bust a lip? I taste blood.

"Hey is my mouth bleeding?" I asked as he bent closer to take a look.

"No. Wait. Why am I even checking for you?" He questioned himself weirdly as he smacked his head. I wonder too. Ah I must have bit the inside of my mouth then.

"Thanks. By the way, what's your name?"

"Beau." He coughed awkwardly into his free hand before scratching the side of his head. Is he bipolar or something? First, he acts like an asshole then he's acting like an embarrassed teenager. But hey, he's kinda cute when he's not being an asshole.

Pouting at him cutely, almost puking, his grip loosened a little as he stared at me with a slightly flustered look on his face. Hey hey hey. What's this man. I'm getting confused. Does he hate this guy or like him? Whatever, I'm having so much fun. Time for the finale.

Eyeing the crowd which is slowly building up around us, waiting for a show, I smirked to myself before looking up at him with wide flustered eyes. Let's give them a show, shall we? "Not here Beau." I gasped in embarrassment as he stared down at me with a confused look."You can be the beauty to ride my beast but at least not in the hallway. People are staring." I hid my face behind my hands, not before sending a smirk to him of course. Whispers started to go around as phones were up recording the whole scene. Man, sometimes I should just learn how to shut up but... that's just no me lol. This is too much fun.

Hearing the chatters, I felt his grip tightened as he controlled his anger. Not. In less than 3 seconds, he blew his top. "What the fuck are you guys crowding around for? Get lost." He snarled as everyone scurried away in fear for their lives. Man, that was hot. Even if I'm not gay, I can still smell a hot guy even a mile away. Like how I'm smelling someone extremely alluring. Oh wait, that's just me or at least, my soul.

Once everyone left, my ass came into contact with the hard ground as he towered over me with what seemed like a death sentence in his eyes. Oh, I'm sooooo scared. My ass. "Watch out fag. I'll get you back." He warned before stomping away like a brat.

"Isn't that what you said yesterday?" I shouted at his back as a pen came flying at me, hitting the metal locker behind me with a loud bang as he flipped me off before disappearing. Man, that was dangerous. Children shouldn't be playing with dangerous things like that. Picking the pen up, I slipped it into my pockets before getting up and dusting my clothes. Thanks for the free pen, hopefully, it still works after getting thrown like that.

Okayyy. "Come out man, you've hidden long enough." I sighed, shifting my gaze to the end of the lockers where the same green head popped out followed by the bored looking silver gorilla. "Wanna grab lunch? I'm starving." I offered, walking off without waiting for them. Every minute spent waiting for their answer is every minute lost for my lunch. If they want, they'll just follow. Hearing the footsteps behind me, I shrugged. Knew it.

"Hey hey! That was entertaining! Do it again! Previously- what changed?" He asked interestedly as he slung his arm around my shoulder. Sad to admit, this body is around that height of his.

"I grew balls?" What? That's the only reason I could think of.

"Ah I see... you grew balls. How big? Fishballs? Golfballs? Ping pong balls? Tennis balls?!" He asked excitedly and loudly as he skipped in his steps, causing people to turn and judge. Sigh... I doubt my life will ever be peaceful in this school. "Hey hey Norm! He grew balls!" He exclaimed in awe towards the silver gorilla who simply just stared at him boredly. Dude, I don't need you telling the whole world that I grew balls. Jesus, this kid is worse than me. He needs more than a mouth filter to help him. A dog muzzle will better suit him.

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