Chapter 20

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No One's POV:

Everett shuffled uncomfortably in his bed as he carefully rolled onto his side, only to have his eyes glued onto the sleeping beauty beside him. Norman's features were much softer in his sleep, the lines that usually creased his brow replaced by the youthful appearance that matched those of others their age. He looked peaceful... so peaceful that Everett wanted nothing more than to curl up into the curve of his body. 

His eyes traced over Norman's face, from his eyelids which are blessed with long lashes to his sharp yet adorable looking nose before reaching those lips of his. As if getting hypnotized by them, he instinctively leaned closer to Norman's sleeping face, close enough to feel his warm breaths touching his skin. 

This made him snap out of his daze as he stayed at his spot frozen, like a deer caught in the headlights. He didn't know what came over him to make him want to do something so outrageous like kissing his long-lost childhood friend. Instead, he gently brushed the tip of his nose along the contours of Norman's sleeping face, like a feather brushing over from his nose to his cheek. The feeling of having his own skin against Norman's cooler ones felt amazing, despite the minimal contact. Like a missing piece of him was finally found. 

Lying back on his side of the bed, he turned around to face the wall, not wanting to risk his sleep from staring at his childhood friend's face. However his mind didn't seem like it wanted to corporate with him as he thought about what happened before which almost felt like it was a dream. After the incident at the playground, Norman had brought him back to his old home, only to be surprised when he found out how well-kept and clean the inside was despite the state it was in before he supposedly died. Turns out Norman has been using his home as a temporary sleeping place whenever he visited his 'grave'. 

To much of his delight, the 6 thousand and 3 hundred 10 dollars and 45 cents that he had stashed away under his underwear in his closet was left untouched. Like who will touch there anyways. Right? Well, that's what he hoped. With nothing to cook in his house, they ordered pizza while telling each other their past. What they've been through and what they had thought happened to the other person. Despite wanting to stay up the night to learn more about each other, they've decided to turn in for the night after Norman received a call from his sister asking him to be back early next day due to some family problems. But one thing for sure, they felt their bonds growing back, slowly but surely.

Feeling Everett's breathing pattern even, Norman's eyes fluttered open drowsily as a small smile graced his lips. Seeing the slight rise and fall of Everett's chest and how he seemed to bask and glow under the faint moonlight, Norman traced the path that Everett's nose has taken with his fingers, feeling his skin heat up from the clear memory of his. He had expected more when he felt how close their faces were but was not disappointed even still. The fact that Everett had treated him so tenderly made his heart warm as it fluttered in content. 

Pushing himself up carefully, not wanting to disturb the sleeping figure beside him, he closed the gap between them before wrapping his arms around the smaller guy's waist and spooning him. Despite the slight sadness of not being able to walk behind Everett's broad back, he actually felt much more happier to be the one that's able to protect him now and that Everett's current size ain't that bad after all. He gets to do more things for him and *cough cough* to him, that he may never get the chance to do so before.

Sighing in content, his eyes started fluttering shut as he let himself get dragged back into the welcoming darkness with his arms wrapped tightly around the one he love as he savored the priceless moment which may be the only once in a lifetime opportunity for him.

~ Flashback start~

Frantic knocks were heard much to someone's displeasure. The older male growled out irritatedly, obviously not pleased with his butler's out of character actions before allowing him to enter. "Young Master! He's gotten into an accident. It doesn't seem good." The butler announced frantically. It didn't take Norman an extra second to comprehend who his butler was referring to and within the next second, he was dragging his butler by the collar to the nearest car he could find.

Panic filled his mind as he thought of the worst possible scenario happening. Ordering the poor butler to step on it which he thankfully listened to without complain even though it was pouring outside, they were able to reach the hospital safely and in record time. He prayed. He prayed so so hard that he's going to be alright, that he's going to survive but sadly his prayers weren't answered. Managing to force his way into the operation theater,  despite getting blocked by the nurses and doctors inside, he came face to face with the one he have dreamed of day and night. 

Unfocused eyes stared past him as if he was invisible as a smile remained on his lips as the doctors worked frantically to save him. It was almost as if he wasn't feeling any pain and was genuinely happy and content. The last thing Norman remembered was a lone tear trailing down his cheeks before the line went flat and the doctors announced the time of his death. That was when he broke. He screamed and cried for the loss of his loved one, the one that he held so dearly to him yet never got to tell him how he felt.

That day, on a cold rainy night, Everett was officially dead.

~ Flashback end ~ 

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