Chapter 30

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Everett's POV:

"Ehhhhhhhh?! D-Date?!" I exclaimed, forgetting my surrounding for a moment as I stared wide-eyed at the brown-haired beauty whose face is as red as a tomato by this point of time. Shit. "Ah! S-Sorry! You caught me by surprise." I apologised, feeling guilty for embarrassing her in front of so many people.

"N-No no. It's my fault. I didn't mean to s-surprise you. S-Sorry!" She squeaked, waving her hands swiftly as her body trembled. Sighing lightly, I pulled Norman closer to me before looking back at her.

"You do know that I'm with him, right?" I questioned as she nodded her head, fingers twirling around one another as she looked down at the ground, not saying a word. "So why?"

"A-Actually...there's this guy who's chasing after me and I've been rejecting him time after time but he doesn't let go...I was hoping you could help me... I-It's alright if you can't! I-I understand!" She stuttered, making me groan internally, not knowing how to turn her down. Looking around for help, only to hear snickers, I shot the two idiots death glares before landing my eyes on my saviour.

"If that's so..." Pulling Norman by the collar towards her, I pointed eagerly at him as she stared at me curiously. "Isn't he a better candidate?" I suggested, earning a betrayed look from him. What? Isn't it true? I ain't as good looking or intimidating as him.

"Ah! I-I can't. I-" She panicked, trying to turn him down politely. From the corner of my eye, Beau elbowed against Norman's side, sending him a look to which he nodded in understanding.

Standing up quickly, Beau dragged Norman up with him, slinging his arm over his shoulder as he pulled my boyfriend towards him, away from my grasp. "Sorry Fayne! Nature calls!" Before I even got the chance to understand what was happening, Norman was already dragged out of sight by the other. The hell?

Nature calls? What does his nature call got to do with Norman? Wait a minute... is Norman cheating on me with him?! I mean I know I don't look as good as Beau b-but I got this sleek black hair, fair skin and dark hazel brown eyes........


W-Well come to the worst case scenario... mark the word worst, I d-don't really mind having a t-threesome... if they don't mind of course... I mean, if 1 guy makes me happy, 2 will make me even happier right? Doesn't sound like a bad deal y-oh my gosh. My mind is corrupted! Stop stop stop. Clear such thoughts away!

"A-Are you ok?" A soft gentle voice snapped me out of my craziness as I looked up awkwardly to see the same beauty looking down at me worriedly. "If it's really that bad then y-you don't have to agree-" She stammered out timidly.

"I'm in! It's a fake date anyway right? I'll help." I agreed, watching as a bright smile formed on her face as she thanked me hurriedly.

"Is after school today fine for you?" She asked to which I nodded. I'm part of the going home club anyways. "Great! I'll meet you at the front gate then! Here's my contact." She beamed, handing me a slip of paper with her phone number, a horrified expression forming on her face as I took it from her. "I-I'm so sorry! I'm not trying to pick you up! It's just in case I can't find you or you can't find me! Sorry sorry sorry!" She apologised repeatedly, worried that she had offended me. Gosh... if I weren't in love with Norman, she's the type I'll go for.

"Alls good. See you later then." I waved as she nodded excitedly before running away.

" got a date." Jasper teased as Emma made weird ass wriggly eyes. Those weirdos... and yes, seems like I've just gotten myself a date. Let's just hope it goes well.

Third Person's POV:

With a hard tug, Beau locked the washroom door behind him, making sure no one was around. "So why did you drag me here? Knowing my boyfriend, he most probably be thinking that we're fucking." Norman stated with a shrug as he leaned against the wall, watching the other male pace around the washroom like a mad man.

"Fucking? Like I'll fuck you-" Beau snorted, earning an eye roll from the other.

"Well, you kissed me before." Norman retorted, making Beau stop in his tracks before turning towards where Norman stood.

"That...was not my choice." Every word was emphasized on clearly as the two males stared down at each other in silence.

"Emma... right?" Upon hearing the name, Beau took a few steps back in astonishment as Norman sighed loudly at the other's reaction which confirmed his suspicions to be right.

"Y-You knew?" Beau questioned hesitantly, not believing that Norman actually knew about it the whole time.

"More or less." He shrugged. It wasn't hard for Norman to link up the causes and people involved to his younger sister. Hearing his confession, rage bubbled up in Beau's chest as he took large strides forward before slamming the other hard against the wall.

"And you didn't do anything?" He spat, furious at the man for letting the guy he once loved to get bullied by his sister's lankeys despite knowing the fact.

Before he could even land a punch on the silver-haired male, he stopped abruptly in his tracks upon hearing Norman's words. "What did you do then?" This question made him struggle to find words to answer as he stood there silently, not knowing how to reply.

"If I wasn't threatened by your sister with my dad's job at stake, I would-I would have-" Beau stuttered, lost of words to continue his sentence. Deep down he knew that whatever he says now is just an excuse for his incompetency. A huge failure that made him lose the guy he had treasured.

Sighing lightly, Norman placed his hand on the other's shoulder before giving him a hard pat. "That's why you dragged me here, isn't it. To stop whatever Emma's plotting. Let's do whatever you want then. Not for you of course." He huffed, earning a smack to the arm from the other male who's wiping his unshed tears.

"Right. For the one we love."

"He's mine."

"Of course. I rather just watch over him now. Though I doubt he needs me to protect him...side note, beware of your balls. He can get pretty violent." Beau snorted, remembering how the little guy kicked the hell out of the poor punching bag.

"Violent? Funny. He's the softest guy." Norman defended, only to earn a pity-filled chuckle from the other male who's busy shaking his head.

"Sure. Meet you after school."

"Mm. Later."

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