Chapter 25

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Everett's POV:

"So...what's with this weird group seating?" Jasper finally spoke up with a hinting look in his eyes, breaking the awkward silence. Why is it awkward? Let me tell you why. On my right and left sits the 2 hottest guys in the school while opposite of us is just...Jasper. Mind you also, it's a 4-seater table. The fact that the 2 hottest guys are sitting at the same table during lunch...I guess it is a culture shock to many. Secondly, they're sticking too tight to me. I'm not surprised that almost all pairs of eyes are on us...well mostly on me. Not those 'awwww' but those 'bitch, I'm gonna kill you' looks. 

"Well, you can always leave if you're unhappy about it." Beau shrugged without care as he crossed his long legs on the table which made me want to whack him over his head. 

Elbowing him in his side, he let out a low sexy groan before glaring down at me with those piercing black orbs of his. Gosh, my balls gonna burst. Too bad I ain't gay. Pointing to the floor, I stared back at him with the same intense gaze before ordering him to obey. "Down." Of course, he obeyed. Not before rolling his eyes and letting out a loud 'tsk'. 

Gasps rang out from the people watching the scene, making his face turn red before he started shouting at them. "Shut the fuck up losers! Mind you own damn business!" Well, I sort of expected that to happen already. Turning to my left to see Norman shaking his head dejectedly at the scene Beau had made, I couldn't help but reach out to pat his head which he gladly accepted. Awww...he's like a cute little puppy.

"Question guys." Jasper called out after clearing his throat, effectively catching our attentions. Turning our gaze to him, a smirk appeared on his face as groans left our lips in sync. 

"Are you guys fucking?" He asked casually. As casually as asking how's the weather today. Taking a deep breath, I sucked on my straw hard because some shitty balls are stuck at the bottom. I'll just pretend that I don't know him...

Feeling a nudge, I looking up slightly to see steam coming out from the black-haired male as he seemed ready to jump over and strangle the shit out of the guy. "Do it." Before one can even comprehend what was happening, a couple of 10 dollar notes have been thrown into the air as the people around started fighting for them. Damn... that must be around $200 or shit. 

Being handed back an empty wallet, Jasper stared at it blankly, almost making us feel bad for him. Until he started crackling like a mad man and digging his hand into his pants before fishing out a stack of 50s and putting them into the slot of his empty wallet "Thanks, I wanted to get rid of those 10s. They were taking too much space." Geez, that guy nuts or what?

Among the chaos, strong arms wrapped around my waist firmly as I got pulled up to a slightly higher platform. With his arms still wrapped around my waist, Norman snuggled against me like a teddy bear, resting his chin on my shoulder as his breaths tickled my neck. "We're not fucking with him right?" He asked softly, making my face heat up at his question.

Gasping loudly, I reached behind to pinch his sides, causing him let out a breathy moan as he hugged me even more tightly. "Since when did I even agree to let you fuck me?" I chided in a harsh whisper tone, not needing the rest to hear what I've said. Hearing that, he let out a whine as he hugged me even more tightly if that was even possible when I tried to escape.

"Don't move Ev." He suddenly pleaded as I wondered what was wrong. As if reading my thoughts, he shifted his hips a little, resulting in a not so small thing poking against my ass. Ahhh...that's why. Ok, hell no.  I'm ain't staying there. Ignoring his pleas, I struggled to get out of his hold, much to the Joker's delight as he sat there with amused eyes just watching us. Fucker.

Sighing loudly, Beau reached out to me, wrapping my torso with a firmer grip and pulling me onto his lap instead. "Here, Kitten. You ok?" He asked with a gentle voice as he patted my head tenderly. Woah woah woah. What the hell is happening? If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have invited him to join us when I spotted him staring at us while sitting alone at a corner. Ughh...I hate being kind.

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered out in embarrassment as I tried to wriggle out of his grasp this time but sadly to no avail. Why the heck are they so strong? Did they grow up taking steroids or something?! 

"Oi." Norman suddenly spoke in a low harsh tone as he stared at me, well behind me, with those cold sharp gaze of his. "Give him back." He ordered as he held onto my arm with a tender yet firm grip. Well shit. Is it bad I think that's actually hot? I must be going crazy. 

Letting go of my waist slowly, I felt myself getting pulled towards Norman, making me faceplant against his chest. Gosh, do they think we're 5 or what? We're too old to play tug of war. Regaining my balance, I looked up to see a emotionless Norman staring at Beau as the other stared back with the same intense gaze. Goodness, why do I feel like I just got isekai'd into a typical k-drama scene? 

Feeling Norman's larger hands cup my cheeks gently, I stared up at him quizzically as his gaze remained fix on the male behind me. The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs. I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips, forcing his tongue through the slits before delving inside my mouth. His strong arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me in, for his tongue to delve deeper, the strong taste of mint clouding my senses. As much as I know that I ain't gay and that I should be resisting him, my brain was too messed up by the kiss to even think logically. 

When we broke apart for air, I rested my forehead against his chest and gathered some much needed oxygen. Despite not even looking up to see the expression he's making, I knew he had a smug look on his face. "He's mine." If the kiss wasn't embarrassing enough for me, his declaration was. Before I even knew it, I've hopped off and ran out the cafeteria with a face redder than a baboon's ass.

Well god damn was that kiss hot... 

Wait...k-kiss? Kiss?! He kissed me! Holy shit! How dare he kiss me without asking! was my first kiss too...

Fuck it. I'm gay.

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