Chapter 31

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Beware, long chapter ahead...

Third Person's POV:

A heavy silence settled over the awkward duo as they walked down the rows of shops along the streets. Their unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around as they tried to avoid catching each other gazes. "So...what do you want to do?" Everett asked with a fake cough, trying to cover up the awkwardness he was feeling.

"W-Well, what do you usually do on a date?" Ally, the brown-haired girl, questioned back in embarrassment, not knowing what to do either despite her being the one who had approached him. 

"We-" Everett paused, not knowing what to say. Though he did had a date with Norman, it was at his home doing introvert stuffs. "We...just hang out at each other places..." He trailed off in embarrassment, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as they continued to walk down the street aimlessly.

"C-Can we go in there?" She asked hesitantly while grasping her sweaty, nervous hands together behind her back. Turning to the shop she's facing, confusion wrecked Everett's mind as he nodded slowly at the choice of shop. "T-Thank you." Bowing slightly in thanks, they entered the store promptly, getting straight on attacked by the smell of newly printed books.

Feeling a tug on his sleeve, Everett turned to his side to find Ally looking away shyly as she held onto his sleeve with minimal contact. "C-Can you help me?" She asked gently, making him stare at her confused. "I-I mean you are one of the top few students so I was wondering if you could help me pick out some assignment books for my brother. I-It's alright if you don't want to-" She blurt out hurriedly in fear, pausing her rambles momentarily when she felt a hand on her head.

"Don't worry. I'll help. How old is he?" Everett agreed considerately though in his heart, he was mentally screaming and breaking apart for he was not the top student everyone recognizes. Nonetheless, he put on a smile for the other which she gratefully returned him with a big warm smile of hers.

"He's 15. He recently started learning A-maths but he couldn't understand what the teacher was teaching in class so I was hoping to find if there are any exercise books that can help him..." She trailed off awkwardly, embarrassed at herself for saying so much to someone she just met.

Everett on the other hand was freaking out for he was a number 1 student in A-maths. Number 1 in failing of course. He had never passed a single test for it. "I-I see. I think I know one that can help." He stuttered out pathetically as he nudged her gently to walk in front of him, fishing his phone out within seconds as he searched anxiously for good recommendations online. Thank goodness for all the kiasu mothers online. (Kiasu = a hokkien word which means having an attitude that arises out of fear of missing out on something, also a Singaporean slang cuz ye, I'm Singaporean)

Searching through the shelves of books, Everett pulled out one that he saw online before pretending to flip through it seriously, pursing his lips as he pretended to read whatever was inside. "This is good. It has multiple examples and questions for you to practice on. The examples given covers a variety of questions that may appear in test papers and the solutions are well listed down in step by step." He concluded, summarizing the comments given by the mothers online with ease as he handed her the exercise book.

Receiving the book happily from him, she turned the book around only for a look of dejection to form on her face when she saw the price of it. Thinking that Everett may not have sensed it, she plastered back on a bright smile before putting the book back into the shelve, "I'll get it tomorrow. My bag is quite heavy today." She lied quickly as Everett pretended to just believe her words, not wanting her to feel bad about it.

"Sure. Where shall we go now?" He asked lightly as she gave it a hard thought before jumping slightly when her phone buzzed. Seeing the notification that was written on her screen, she gasped loudly before grabbing Everett by hand and pulling him along with her as she raced down to a grocery store not too far away from where they were.

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