Chapter 9

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Yo I'm back but partially alive. School projects are killing me😓

Norman's POV:

"Hey hey, don't you find him interesting?" Jasper asked as we walked down the stairs, girls staring at us as we walked passed. Sigh... this is why I don't like walking beside him, his hair attracts too much attention sometimes. Shrugging lightly, I nodded as he stared up at me with big round sparkly eyes.

"Right! He's like a hamster which turned into a rabid dog! I can't wait to see him kick Beau's ass after fawning over him for so long." He chuckled with a look of excitement in his eyes while I simply rolled my eyes at his words. If you don't know, he's a sadist. A huge one. He likes it when people get into trouble or gets tormented but he easily gets bored of it too. The only reason he's sticking around with me is just that our parents are friends.

Opening our lockers, which sadly have to be side by side, he threw in his books without care as I slipped mine in, pausing for a moment when I spotted an envelope. Again? "My my! Another love letter for our Mr Popular. Man are you lucky. I don't even get any." He mocked, taking the letter from my hands to read it out loud. Not that I really care...

"Can we meet behind the basketball court after school? I'll be waiting till you get there! Sorry for taking up your time! Inserts embarrassed emoticon." He squeaked out, trying to mimic the voice of a girl. Unable to stand his irritating voice, I smash the paper against his face hard before walking off, earning a satisfied 'owww!' from him.

"So are you going to find her?" He asked eagerly as he chased up to me, bouncing in his steps as he awaited a drama to happen. Ignoring him, I found my way to the back of the court where a blonde stood with fidgeting legs as she played with her fingers. As I approached her silently, Jasper had already sneaked off to a corner where he squatted down while munching on chips. Who knew where and when did he get those. Never mind.

Taking a deep breath, I cleared my throat, capturing her attention as she spun around to face me. From her flushed cheeks and the sweat dripping down from the corners of her face, it seems like she's been here for quite long. Passing her a tissue, she gasped lightly before accepting it with a soft 'thanks' as she wiped away her sweat with even redder cheeks. Does she have a fever?

"Are you ok?" I finally asked, making her let out a soft squeak as she nodded her head rapidly. Okay... "Anything-"

"Thanks! For the tissue." She thanked loudly as I stared at her blankly. So all she wanted was tissue from me?

Watching her blonde hair flow in the wid, my hand urged to reach out and touch it but stopped when I've snapped out of my daze. "Anything else?" I asked as she shook her head quickly before thanking me once again and dashing off. She's weird... asking me all the way here just for a tissue. Maybe she doesn't have friends to give her one...

Shrugging lightly, I trudged over to the green goblin who's busy laughing his ass off as he stomped hysterically on the ground. What's the big idea? "What?"

"Dude! She didn't even get to confess to you!" He crackled, obviously enjoying it.

"Confess? All she wanted was a tissue."

"You seriously don't understand a girl's heart, do you? Who will dare confess to a guy who looks like he just got out from the wrong side of bed?" Ahh... do I? I've always looked like this though...

"Must I?" I asked in confusion as he shrugged. So... is that a yes or no?

"Nah. You're better like this. Ain't needing you to turn all squishy and mushy." He commented, patting my back in... I'm not sure too. Just as we prepared to leave, a loud rattling of metal sounded as I turned slowly to the source. There stood the annoying shit getting pressed against the metal fence as the one he liked held him up by his collar, his buddies standing by the side, watching boredly.

"Oooo! That's what you call a show! Let's go closer to watch!" Jasper cheered enthusiastically as he sprinted towards them, sitting right in front of the fence where the show was happening. Man... he just had to get the front row seats, don't he?

Upon landing his eyes on Jasper then on me, Beau clenched onto the little shit's collar even more tightly, "You called for backup? You piece of shit-" He started but got interrupted immediately by the goblin when he raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Continue, please! I'm just here to watch the show. Hey guys! Want some chips?" He called out to the person's buddies as they went to him without second thoughts, sharing the bag of chips like a group of friends, making the rest of us sweatdrop at the scene. "Are you going to continue?" He asked as the Beau guy snapped out of his daydream before looking back down on the little shit.

"You-" He spat but stopped instantly, staring at the smaller guy awkwardly, seemingly lost for words as he stood there stuttering out devil summons in embarrassment. Well, it seems like the show's over for the goblin, at least he didn't pay for it. Releasing the pipsqueak to drop on his bum, he huffed in annoyance before joining Jasper and his buddies. "Hey, anymore?" He asked, making Jasper grin widely as he took out 4 more packets of trash from his bag.

"Come join us Norm and Fayne boy!" Jasper invited excitedly as the weird group of 4 opened packet after packets of snacks. I'll pass. Turning away, I walked off without a second word as heavy footsteps followed behind. Turning slightly, my eyes landing on the annoying shit as he yawned loudly, obviously not fazed by the other guy. To think that he isn't even scared of the guy now. It's like he switched souls with someone else or something.

"Where do you stay?" I asked, breaking the silence as he stared at me from the corners of his eyes.

"Uranus." He replied, walking past me as I stared at his back questioningly. My anus? But I'm not a bottom...

"Sorry but I'm a top." I informed, hoping that he got his facts right. A red blush crept up his cheeks as he sped up in his steps.

"Fuck off, I'm not joking." He muttered out with what seemed like annoyance in his tone before running out of the school building and disappearing without a trace. He's fast...

Walking my way back home, I thought back on his words with a sulk, mentally strangling him for not taking me seriously. I wasn't joking too when I said I was a top...

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