Chapter 24

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Warm gentle rays of the morning sun entered the room, lighting and warming up the cool white room with a soft yellow glow. Being the one to wake up first, the silver-haired male got up with a yawn, his gaze softening upon landing on the sleeping angel who has unknowingly curled himself against the larger male's torso. A warm smile formed on his face as he laid his head back down carefully onto the pillow, not wanting to disturb the sleeping form. With a playful grin, he started stroking the smaller male's cheeks lightly, trailing his finger slowly to the little button nose of his dearest before tapping on it gently, chuckling softly when it wiggled in reflex.

Hearing a soft groan from the male, Norman quickly shut his eyes pretending to be asleep. As the smaller male woke up, he rubbed his eyes lazily to chase the sleepiness away, only to have it all gone when he realized the 'sleeping' figure beside him. Letting out a loud gasp, he sat up straight in shock as he tried recalling what happened the night before. All he remembered was Norman sleeping in his own bed and him sleeping on a mattress on the floor beside. Well, he wasn't the only thing that sat up straight at least. The sight of those drool-worthy abs and the sweet ass v-line made his brain go haywire as he felt his cheeks heat up uncontrollably.

After taking a few seconds to calm his flustered self down, he aimed his fingers at a bump before flicking hard, earning a loud groan from the other male who was busy watching him freak out much to his enjoyment. Pretending like he had just woken up, he stared at Everett with a dazed look, rubbing his eye while yawning.

"Morning Ev." He greeted with a husky voice, causing the already physically and mentally disturbed male to have another mini heart-attack. "Why did you need to flick my forehead so hard?"

"M-Morning. W-Why are you even sleeping here!" Everett squeaked, his heart racing against his chest as thousands of possible scenes ran through his mind, all got to do with one thing and one place. Norman and bed. Or you can say, Norman on bed.

"I have a tendency of rolling off my bed." Norman lied smoothly, making the other believe him but just only for a second.

"Then why is your pillow here too?" Everett shot him a suspicious look yet the ever cool male didn't even faze as he stared at his own pillow like it was at the correct place.

"It rolled off with me." He said with his signature straight face which made the other male give up on guessing whether it's true or not. Not like he minded anyways but of course he wouldn't tell the bigger male in case something grows bigger too. For that, he meant his ego. Definitely not something else.

"Get changed, I'll make breakfast." Ruffling the black mob of hair, much to the little guy's annoyance, Norman stood up promptly before leaving the room as Everett sat there confused.

Changed? Looking around the room, he spotted his own set of clean ironed uniform folded nicely and placed on the bedside table. "Heck, I don't want to know how it got there." He mumbled to himself as he got ready for hell.

~ Time Skip~

Upon entering the school's front gate, the two males got ambushed by a red-headed gorilla... much to their horror and their horrible luck. "Morninggg! How was your night staying with my brother, Faynie? Had fun? " She announced loudly, causing heads to snap towards the 3 of them as she remained oblivious to her surrounding.

Everett let out a low groan, smacking his palm against his head at her words. He no doubt knew that people are going to start misunderstanding and gossips are bound to fly. Norman on the other-hand couldn't care less as he wrapped his arm around the shorter male's shoulder before pulling him along to class with his sister trailing behind with a pout for not having her question answered, only to leave unwillingly when she heard the bell ring.

Before they could even enter their class, a strong muscular arm wrapped around the smaller male's waist before hauling him up and away before Norman can even comprehend what was happening.

"Do you like him?" The familiar gruff voice spoke up once they entered the toilet. Setting the kidnapped kid down gently to sit on the sink, Everett shrugged, not knowing how he even felt. Leaning against one of the stores, Beau took his chance to enjoy the sight of the beauty as he sat there quietly, just kicking his feet leisurely as he waited for Beau to conitnue. Upon hearing the gossips, he couldn't help but felt the need to clarify the news. He knew he had given up on his relationship with Fayne but he couldn't bare for him to start another relationship which may just end up with him getting hurt again. "Do you?"

"I...don't know. Why do you even care?" Shooting the taller male a questioning gaze, Beau felt his face heat up from the intense gaze as he coughed in response to it, trying hard not to let this ex-boyfriend's gaze move his heart.

"No reason. Just...don't go public. At least not in this school." Beau warned harshly, gripping his wrist tightly and leaving a mark. "Please, promise me Fayne." He pleaded. Hearing the break in his voice, Everett nodded, knowing something was up and something had happened to him in the past that made him fear for the 'Fayne' guy.

A loud buzz snapped them out of their little world as Beau fished his phone out to see a call from an unknown nunber. Answering it on speaker, a low static voice was hear as the both of them look at each other with curious looks.

"I've got your son! Transfer me $50000 or you'll never see him again." The random scammer threatened.

Taking the phone from Beau's hand, Everett let out a sigh before replying with a straight face. "Oh. We'll make another one then. Thanks." Before he could even end the call, the line went dead immediately. "Well that's easy."

This time, it was his turn. It makes them wonder how those scammers even got their numbers at the first place. Picking it up and putting it on speaker like what Beau had done, the same voice came up saying the same thing. This made them sweatdrop at it.

Leaning towards the speaker, Beau gently angled Everett's hand to position the phone up. "The one I made with your mum?" He said with a smirk on his face before grinning down at Everett to see him giving a thumbs up. With a string of nonsensical cursing and swearing, the line went dead eventually. Not before hearing the person call his mum.

"Let's go for class. The bathroom stinks. Choose a better place next time please." Everett complained as a small whine of irritance left his lips, not liking how the dirt stuck to his pants no matter how much he tried to clean them off.


Braindead. My brain ain't working.

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