Chapter 12

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Norman's POV:

"I'm bored…" He whined. Sigh… can't he just shut up and do his work quietly?

"Then faster finish your work. You're delaying my time too." I chided, causing him to stop spinning his pen and to sigh out loud.

"Yes yes, sorry bossssss." He said with much sarcasm before focusing back on his homework. Watching him do his work with much focus, his eyebrows all scrunched up and lips pouted, I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle which caught his attention. "What?" He spat in annoyance, glaring at me with those extremely dark brown orbs of his.

Covering up with a string of coughs, I mumbled out a "Nothing." that he seemed to believe as he returned to solving his life problems. Man...he really acts like Ev-

"Oh!" He suddenly exclaimed, knocking me out of my thoughts which I'm thankful for. Following his line of vision, I found myself getting immersed by the heavy downpour. Heavy yet quiet. It's almost like it's reflecting the beating of my heart, one that is filled with much regrets and loneliness. Thinking about it, this guy is quite lucky isn't he. Even though he was played by the one he loves, he's suffering from amnesia so he won't have to go through all the painful emotions. Sigh...I wish I could wake up with amnesia…

"Oi. I'm done. Shall we go now?" He asked, packing his bag quickly, can't wait to finally leave this hell hole. Nodding, I copied his actions of packing up my bag, grabbing the leftover food wrappers and throwing it on the way out. "Anyone gonna fetch you?" He questioned as we descended down the quiet flight of stairs. Seems like everyone left early today.

Replying with a short 'no', he nodded at my words slowly before walking ahead of me silently. Man… this is awkward… "Ahh… I see… walking home then?" This time, I nodded instinctively, throwing us back into awkward yet not so awkward silence. Sigh… I should have replied.

Reaching the main doors, he fished out his umbrella, popping it open. Where's mine? Digging through every compartment of my bag, I just came to realise that I've forgotten to bring mine. Great… "Well, see you tomorrow then-what's wrong?" He stopped in his steps, peering up at me as I shot him a short 'Nothing. Just go.' to which of course, he ignored as he came peeking into my bag.

Before I even knew it, an umbrella was pushed into my hands, making me stared at the shorter male's adverted eyes. "Why?" I asked in wonder, not understanding why this person who hates my guts would lend me his umbrella.

"Just take it." He insisted, not willing to take it back from my outstretched hands. Before I can even open my mouth to oppose to it again, he shot me a quick glare which made me shut up. If it wasn't for the faint blush on his cheeks, I would have been actually scared of him. "I've never needed an umbrella when I have these long legs of mine." He added on before putting his backpack over his head and dashing out under the pouring rain, not before turning back to remind me to return him his umbrella tomorrow of course. That's just so him…

Looking down at the black umbrella which pops open to reveal a huge middle finger which is painted on the top of the umbrella, a soft snicker left my lips. Yeah, that's just so him.

Everett's POV:

Why did I lend it to him?! Am I an idiot sandwich?! That was so embarrassing! Why did I even care at the first place! I should just leave him and let him get drenched for being such an ass! Urgh! Whatever! He's weaker than me so he needs it. Tsk. Weaking!

Cursing in my mind loudly, I sprinted under the rain cover, panting hard for breath due to how unfit this body is. I swear, with my own legs, I would have covered twice the distance already with ease! Why is this guy so short? Hopefully the break comes quickly so I can go find my body and back to my original dramaless life, serving blind brainless piggy banks and desperate octopuses. This life is just too stressful for me.

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