Chapter 19

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No I ain't dead. Just major writer's block and lack of inspiration. Sighhh...

Everett’s POV: 

Well, his someone was totally what I wasn’t expecting. Instead of bringing me to see someone, he brought me to a...playground? Not to say, it was the playground that I used to frequent. Quietly, he walked towards the swings which are surprisingly well-maintained before sitting down on it, stretching his feet out to the fullest as he let out a loud sigh towards the sky. It was then I realised how dark it’s already becoming, same as the past. 

“You...ok?” I asked lightly but to no avail as he simply kept his eyes closed while looking up to the sky. Like on autopilot, I went behind him and started to push lightly. His once small lean frame was no longer, instead replaced by a broad muscular one which muscles tensed under my touch everytime i gave him a push. The silence was although deafening yet surprisingly comforting. 

“So you remember that promise that you’ve made huh, Everett.” He asked after a few moments of silence as I hummed in response. Of course, how can I forget the promise I’ve made to him? We may be young then but-wait. Did he just call me… Pausing my actions, I stared down at him in disbelief only to see tears flowing down his face with his head propped up to face me. 

"W-What? Who the hell is that guy?" I quickly spat out, choking on my words. How did he figure it out? I made sure not to slip up. I can't let him know. What if I never get back into my body? I can't go out with him in this body! No way! Wait. He didn't ask me to go out with him. What am I thinking?

“Giving me food, making sure I eat, pouting your lips and scrunching your brows when you concentrate, being such a tough ass…” Right right. Take the chance to insult me. Hmph. Asshole. 

"Oh right. Totally. Sure. Those actions totally makes me that Everett guy." Bleh. It feels weird saying my name. (A/N: Who else feels weird when saying their own name? I do.)

“You can't fool me you know? You've also slipped up more times than I could count.” He joked, sniffing slightly as he wiped his tears away. Rolling my eyes, I pushed him off the swing, taking his place as he glared at me from the sudden action. What? His fault for irritating me. "Give it up Evie. I know it's you." He mocked.

"Oh shut up you big ass gorilla! Don't you go calling me after my bunny, well yours, but still it was mine at the first place." I sniffed. Once. Then twice. Before I knew it, I was a sniffing mess. How dare he make this bad boy cry. Fuck man. I don’t cry. Suck it up loser. Stop crying. Stop letting these balls of water escape. But no matter how much I’ve tried, more came flowing out like a pot with holes everywhere. 

"Are you...crying?" He asked softly, making me roll my eyes at that stupid question. 

"Oh no no. My eyeballs are just getting sucked off by my eye sockets thus the leaking. Ain't going to stop them from their fun time you know." I sassed, flicking him off as I jumped off the swing and started walking towards the direction of my old place.

Chasing after me, he pulled me into his embrace before hugging me tight as he buried his face into my neck. “How did you know it was me though?” He asked in a muffled tone as I turned to his pouting face.

“Who else will have that stupid name just because he wants to be normal?” I snorted in response as he rolled his eyes, flicking me in the forehead as I yelped in pain from that sudden action. “How dare you.” I growled menacingly at him which obviously made me look like a joke all no thanks to my puffy cheeks and red eyes and maybe snort-filled face from all those crying. There stood the ass biting down on his bottom lip as his body shook lightly as he tried to hold back his laughter. Harh. Funny. Ha ha ha. Im totally laughing too. How funny. Ha. 

"I'm leaving." I huffed, stomping away like a childish brat. Not. He annoyed me. I ain't being childish. 

"Where are you going?" He asked, walking by my side as I ignored him. I guess I've ticked him off cause the next thing I know, I was flung into the air and over his broad ass shoulder that's digging into my stomach. 

"Oi put me down! You're hurting my stomach!" I struggled, hitting his back hard though he doesn't seem to be affected. Tsk. Gorilla.

"Then stop whining... or struggling." He said in a bored tone, continuing to walk like I ain't weighing much.

"Then put me down or I'll hurl on you!"

"Is that a threat?"

"Nope! It's a promise you oversized gorilla!"

"Oh fine." 

I breathed out a sigh of relief feeling myself getting lifted down. "Thank y- eek!" A high pitch squeak left my lips upon feeling myself getting thrown up into the air before getting caught again in his arms...bridal style. "Put me down you-"

"Oversized gorilla?" He finished as I nodded firmly at him. He got that fact right at least. "Fine...once I reach your place." He replied. Half of my being wanted to slap him while another half was left amazed by how he could read my mind. Sigh...whatever. At least I don't have to walk. 

"Giddyap then my trusty gorilla! Full speed ahead!" I ordered, smacking his ass hard as he growled lowly at me.


My hands deserve it.

Qns: Discontinue or continue? 🤔😩

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