Chapter 22

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Jasper's POV:

There they are! Picking up my pace, I dashed towards the two as they headed for the cafeteria. "Yo, Fayne boy." Calling out chirpily, I rushed up to his side before throwing an arm around his shoulders before pulling him close. As usual, he shot me his signature look of annoyance while continuing making his way to the cafeteria. Looking slightly over my shoulders to see my big boy shooting daggers into my head with that grim looking expression like I've just stolen his toy, I grinned widely before purposely sticking myself closer to the guy only causing him to be even more annoyed.

"So, what happened with you and my boy over the holis? He's been following you like a lovesick pup since the start of the day." I asked eagerly, waiting for some juicy gossip to spill as he turned to look over at him. Instead of the look he had given me, he was wearing one of indifference and a... POUT?! Wait wait wait! WHAT?! Rubbing my eyes quickly, not believing what I've just seen with my own two eyes, I looked up at the big guy once more. To my relief, it was only my eyes playing tricks on me.

"He looks normal to me." He simply commented before walking off, not without the big guy trailing behind him. Something is definitely up. Did my big boy finally get laid?! OMG I'm going to be an uncle! Squealing loudly, eyes landed on me like I'm some weirdo, making me glare back at them. 

"What! Never heard a manly squeal before? Hmph. Well pheasants, that's how a manly squeal sounds like. Manly and manly." Getting the facts into their head with my honorable speech, I skipped along the hallways to catch up with them, not without earning a few questioning looks of course. Sigh, it's hard to look hot. 

Anyways, what shall I buy as a gift? A vibrator or a dildo? A vibrator sounds better. I gotta get a remote controlled one for my boy. Should I get the 16 inch one or the 20 inch one? Hot pink or black? Hot pink will look good in the pink little hole of Fayne boy's but black looks sexier. I'll get both. But what thickness though...hmmm...the last time I measured, it's around the size of the circle made by my middle finger and thumb. I'll get a bigger one then. 

OMG! I can't wait! It's..... Shopping time!

Everett's POV:

Why do I feel a shiver down my spine? Like something bad is gonna happen. Must be just me overthinking. "Ev, what's wrong?" Norman asked with a worried look on his face as he stood beside me while we queued for our lunch.

"Ah nothing. Just a chill." I shrugged, looking back at the menu while thinking of what choice to make. 

"Oh... I think I know why..." Hearing his sigh, I glanced over slightly only to turn back quickly away from the incoming monster. I can't see you so you can't see me. You can't see me. Oh god, please don't see me.

"Faynieeeee!" Urghhh. Goddammit. "Brother, you've hogged him long enough. I need him for my shoots." She whined while tugging on Norman's arm. Yes yes. Bother him please, not me.

"Emma, he took up a part time job. You have to ask him, not me." Explaining softly, she huffed in disappointment. I thought that she must have given up but my happiness was short lived when I feel myself getting pulled down by my hood.

"Is it true?" She pouted as she looked up at me with puppy eyes. Ah shit, not that overly used tactic.  Bringing out the most regretful yet honest face I could muster, I nodded slightly. Thankfully she fell for it as released me promptly. Thank goodness.

"But you can't be working everyday right? So you must come on your off day! Okay? Promise me!" She insisted. Looking up to Norman for help only to see that helpless look on his face, I sighed internally before giving in to her request. "Yay! Update me Faynie!" She cheered before rushing back to her friends. Finally she's gone.

"Sorry about that...Emma can be quite...pushy." Norman apologized guiltily as he played with his fingers nervously. 

"Ah yes, I've experienced it first hand already after all..." Another cold shiver ran down my spine upon remembering how domineering she was. I wonder how Norman survives with her. I'll die an early death. Oh wait. I did die an early death. Ha. 

"Sorry...Ah. I'll buy you lunch!" He suggested eagerly as his eyes sparkled like a little kid. Heh. Cute.

"There's no need to-"

"Don't worry! I'll get whatever you want for you. Oh why don't you find us a place then? I'll buy your food. Please?" He quickly spoke up as he pushed me out of the queue as I stood there like an idiot with eyes all on me. Aish...fine fine. What a kid.

"I'll be near the windows." Nodding his head in understanding, I gave his arm a quick squeeze before going off. Wow, that felt nice. It was huge...and hard...I wonder if he's bigger than me, compared to my burnt up into ashes body at least. I wonder how it'll feel like with his arms wrapped around me. Wait...that's so gay...

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