Chapter 7

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Yosh! I'm back!

Honestly, does this book suck? Cuz Im not getting much view or reaction to it...🤔😓

Everett's POV:

Dread. That's the only word I can use to describe what I'm currently feeling. Imagine you are in heaven with a group of beautiful young nurses then you swan-dive off the building to the pits of hell where all the wrinkled old people and annoying pheasants exist. I swear I can get phobia for school just by looking at this monstrous looking building. Sigh... not like I can ever skip school. I can't possibly damage this person's perfect record of 0 lates or absence without reasons.

Trudging to my locker to get my books, I opened it up to find it packed with love letters all from anonymous. Slipping my books into my bag, though I never know why I even bother since I just sleep in class, I retrieved all 6 of the love letters, reading through one by one as I chuckled at them.

Go die bastard.

Sorry, my parents aren't divorced.

Die you disgusting fag.

Already did once.

Hope that you'll go to hell.

So that you'll have a companion there? Sure. I'm a good person.

Go fucking kill yourself.

Did that already by eating a prawn. Didn't work it seems.

I'll make sure you don't see the light if you ever step back into this place.

I'm still seeing the light though... Turning up to the ceiling where the light shines down, I shrugged nonchalantly before continuing my way.  

Die, you bitch.

How original... make up your mind, would you? First a bastard then a fag then a bitch. Just choose, please. I'm not a hybrid.

Sighing at the cute childish notes, I threw them into the bin without second thoughts upon stepping foot into the classroom where all eyes landed on me once again. One thing for sure, that Beau guy has an extremely limited vocab. Seems like he's only good for his looks. Why would this guy even like such a dick?

"Yo! How was your hospital stay!" Jasper waved energetically as he jumped into the seat behind mine. Is he normal? I thought people would usually look worried and ask if you're okay but this guy here... he's looking all bright and cheerful and asking me how was the hospital stay... well, it's better than having people fussing over me.

"Great. I should have signed a membership with them." I replied honestly, sighing in regret as he burst out laughing, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Weirdo...

"Gosh! I really like you, man. Here I was afraid that you'll revert back to your old pussy self." He commented, letting out a huge sigh of relief as I stared at him in confusion. What if I did?

"Then what would you have done?" I asked as the classroom door opened to reveal the silver gorilla.

"Ignore you." He replied straightforwardly with a wide grin on his face. Okay... though I'll prefer if he ignores me even now.

"Here." The silver gorilla placed a small carton of chocolate milk on my desk before slipping into his seat. Awww seems like he isn't really a bad guy after all. "How... are you feeling?" He asked hesitantly after a while. See this is what a normal person asks.

"Hey! Where's mine?"  Jasper whined at the unfair treatment, making him roll his eyes at him in response.

"Well, other than I died and almost died again, I'm good. Oh and thanks for the milk. How did you know it's my favourite?" I waved it in front of him as he shrugged lightly.

"Chocolate milk chases away all evil..." He said softly before turning away in embarrassment. Awww cute. Imagine a big guy saying that. Thanking him once more, he nodded slightly as a confused look slowly appeared on his face.

"Okay, class! Hope that you've prepared for your quiz!" The lecturer announced out of nowhere as I stared at the two in shock. Quiz?! "Oh great to see you back, Mr Fayne. Hope that you've studied for it. Okay bags out!" He ordered as everyone scrambled out with their bags. Quiz? No one told me about any quiz!

"Why didn't anyone tell me about a quiz?" I hush exclaimed at the 2 as they shrugged.

"Didn't have your contact info." "Don't worry, you'll get your 100 as usual anyway, Mr Top 3 of the cohort." They replied in unison as I stared at them flabbergasted. Usual 100? Top 3 of the cohort?! What fuckery is that! The only time I got top 3 was like when I was 14 and it was top 3 from the back!

"Top 3... from the back you mean?" I stuttered out as Jasper stared at me weirdly before sighing.

"Geez, don't rub salt into our wounds. Anyways, good luck." He patted me on the back before following behind the silver gorilla who has already entered the class. Ok, I should give him a new name since he's given me free food. Hmmm silver...hunk? Oh, wait that not the important thing now. Geez, hopefully I pass this.

After all the passing of papers down the row and all the same old exam procedures, the second the lecturer said to start, everyone rushed to flip open the quiz paper as I followed. Thankfully they're mcqs! Bless my soul! Reading the questions, I was surprised that it was actually general knowledge about how the market works etc etc. Easy peasy. Skipping the questions that sounded like gibberish, I answered the other questions with ease as a smile slowly formed on my face. Hey, seems like I'm not that stupid after all.

Okay... time to face the bosses. Taking out my highlighter, I placed it at the centre of my desk before spinning it and stopping as it pointed to the right. Nice. B. Writing it down, I repeated the same steps until I've completed all the questions just as the lecturer announced that time was up. Thank goodness for my smart thinking. "Please pass down your OAS sheet!" OAS...sheet? Well, seems like I still fucked up. How can I forget that there's an OAS sheet! Urgh, whatever. Passing the blank piece of paper which doesn't even have my name written on it, I slammed my head down against the desk having given up on life. Seems like I'm really going to be top 3 from the back this time. Maybe the top even. Ha ha... sigh.... Fuck my life...

The chapter continues in the next ~>

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