Chapter 33

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Everett's POV:

"Wait, let me get this clear again... So you're saying the things I've been put through is all because of Emma?" I confirmed, flabbergasted by the information I've just heard from Norman. As he silently watched my reaction, he gave a subtle nod at my words, making me want to pull all the hair out from my head. "All because she likes me?" he nodded again. Gosh...

"Ok let me get my head wrapped around all the information first. So let's rewind it a little when it was still past Fayne. So apparently Emma had an obsession over the guy and hence approached him to be her clothes model so as to lessen the gap between them but little did she know that he's gay. So when Beau boasted around in school that he and Fayne are a couple, Emma threatened Beau to do whatever she says unless he wants his father to lose his job cuz apparently his dad was working under your dad. Correct?" Norman nodded as I took a deep breath before continuing. 

"So one of the time she asked him to kiss the hottest guy in school and he kissed you, noting that both of you were strangers then. Apparently Fayne guy saw it and ran away to the roof and Beau chased after him. Beau tried to explain that he wasn't purposely cheating on him and that's when he realised Emma was feeding Fayne with lies of him cheating. When they almost made up, the railing they were leaning against broke. Fayne pushed Beau away in the nick of time but the force itself caused him to fall along with the railing and thus...the body-switching." I paused, catching my breath from the overload of information. Geez, now I pity the two. It's like Romeo and Juliet without the Romeo part.

"Now coming to present time, when this soulless body was in a 'coma', Beau visited everyday and on the day I woke up and he thought that his ex-lover couldn't recognize him no more, he decided to be the knight in the shadows. To make Emma not want to make him hurt Fayne's feeling again, he purposely acted like an asshole in front of me. Oh gosh, I just realized. Is that why he told me not to go official in this school? But then again how can he not know that you two are siblings? Wait, the first time he knew was when we all sat together and Emma called you brother." Gosh, now I don't know to feel bad for Beau or my own stupidity? But how would I have known that Emma was behind all of it?

"Okay then time skip to when Emma found out that we started to have feelings for each other hence the cock-blocking...I-I mean mood-crashing. Then when we started dating, she manipulated many like your crazy fanclub to try break us up, thinking that it'll make me scared and leave you. But it failed cuz I'm not the person this body once hosted. All was planned by her except the porno pic. That your suspect being Jasper... for what reason?" I asked, only to receive a shrug back.

"It's just a guess but it's most probably done by him." He simply answered confidently with no shred of hesitation in his eyes.

"How would you know?" I prodded, wondering what does Jasper has against me that he'll do something like that to soil my reputation. 

"Remember I've texted him to help out just when school started? Well, he replied to me half an hour later. Knowing him, he only does his stuff on his com at home and once he starts, he won't stop until he finds an answer. I've seen him do his tech stuffs before. Once he stayed up 2 nights just to hack the government system for some reason I can't remember." Norman concluded with a shrug, sighing loudly before lying down on his bed beside me.

With a soft sigh, I buried myself under the blankets, taking a few minutes or so to sort out my thoughts on what to do next. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, I popped my head out of the sheets before staring firmly into Norman's eyes. "Give me your phone." I ordered, to which he just handed it over to me without questions. As he move to position his head over my lap, I sent the three of them messages respectively. Dealing with Jasper first then Beau and finally Emma.

Just as I was about to flop back onto the large comfy bed like a ragdoll, my phone started acting up like a vibrator, making me stare at it confused before panicking when I saw Mum's name flashing on the screen and the time it was. "H-Hi mum!" I stuttered, silently praying that I don't die.

"Hi? Hi?!" She screamed as I placed the phone one meter away from my ear, almost going deaf from her loudness. "Where are you mister? Look at the time! It's already past 9 and you didn't even bother to send me a text!"

"I-I was busy mum-" I trialed along, waving Norman away as he stared at me curiously.

"Busy? With what? If it doesn't involve that hunk of a boyfriend of yours in your phone wallpaper then I expect you to come home now!" Erm...I think her priorities just got mixed up a little. Well...

"I'm sort of am?" I coughed, almost dying when she screeched into the phone. 

"Remember to use protection mister. Tell me, is he big?"

"M-Mum! How will I know! B-But yeah...he's big alright...I mean his structure! He's tall and all-"

"I mean his dick you idiot. Obviously I know he's tall and big compared to the puny you. How far did ya'll go anyways?" You know, sometimes I just want to smack my head against the wall.


"What?! Not even a hand or blowjob? Jesus, you're such an uncultured man. I'll train you well. Bring him back for breakfast tomorrow. I'll prepare thick long sausages for you to practice on. Well that's it. Enjoy your stay there, don't bother to come back. Bye!" She screeched crazily before hanging up before I could even get the chance to reply. I'll deal with her tomorrow.

"Guess what?" I asked Norman upon tossing my phone onto the bed.


"I'm abandoned. So take me in?" I pleaded with puppy eyes as he simply burst out laughing, pulling me down with him onto the bed before covering us with the thick comfy blanket. 

"Oh, we're having meet the parents tomorrow for breakfast." I reminded him as his face suddenly paled, sitting up straight as he scrolled through his phone.

" it too late for malls to be open?" He asked, panicking as he scrolled for malls that are still open.

"Just dress sexily and you'll be instantly accepted by my mum. Though she'll prefer you nude but doubt my dad would accept it as welcomingly as her." 

"Bless my soul."

"Let's hope she doesn't drive you crazy."

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