Chapter 29

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Everett's POV:

"Pornstar?! What's the meaning of this, Fayne? W-Who's that guy!" The gorilla shrieked in disbelief as she scrolled through the most recent news with eyes wide enough that her eyeballs were on the edge of popping out of their sockets. Sighing for what seemed like the 100th time in that day itself, I rolled onto my side in hopes to escape the prying woman. Damn is she noisy.

"Buzz off. Let me sleep. How did you even find me at the first place?" I huffed out annoyed, rolling to another side to see Norman standing there with a don't-look-at-me expression on his face.

"I followed my bro." She chirped in what sounded like accomplishment as I rolled my eyes at her before motioning for Norman to come over. Slumbering over like a teddy bear, he plopped his ass down softly cross-legged by my side as I positioned my head onto his lap. Comfy...

Warm hands patted my head gently as Norman threaded his fingers through my black locks in a soft tender way, sending me waves of comfort as I snuggled my face into his stomach. "Leave, Emma." He simply ordered as a huff was heard, followed by loud stomping. Finally some peace. Morning was horrid.

"You okay?" He asked as I rolled onto my back to look up at him. Oof...he looks hot even in this angle. I think my heart is gonna explode.

"What do you think? Wait till I get the one who had Photoshop my face onto that porno pic and uploaded it on twitter." Cracking my knuckles, a sadistic grin formed on my face as I imagined the torture I'm going to make the person face. I'm so going to murder him and make sure he gets the scene acted out on him. Shove a dick up his ass and see if he dare trespass me again.

"I can ask Jasper to track the IP address if you want." He suggested as I let out a silent groan. Him? As much as I don't want to owe him a favor...

"Fine..." I sighed out in defeat, knowing that I'm not capable in any way to solve this on my own. Giving me a quick nod, he took out his phone which I assume is to text the hyperactive monkey. The weird thing is how the phone seemed to hover over me for a few seconds too long and he was... grinning at his screen? Must be a funny meme.

"He said to give him a day." He announced with a small smile of relief on his face before keeping his phone away, his hands coming back down on me as he went back to stroking my head like his petting a kitten. That said, if I was a kitten, I'll be purring at this moment.

Anyways, I really wonder who did that photoshop edit. Maybe I'll let them off if he or she is willing to edit one of me and Nor- what the heck am I thinking?! I won't be letting the person off at all.

Before I could even think of dozing off, frantic footsteps were heard, followed by a long bang which successfully woke the hell out of me as I shot a death glare at whoever just made their entrance. Oh...It's just him.

"Fayne! Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?" Beau fussed worriedly as he rushed over to our side while searching me up and down for injuries. "I thought I told you to keep it low-key?" He screamed as I waved him off. 

"Like getting egged can hurt me. Nothing a little wash couldn't do." I snorted, remembering how I was welcomed to school with an egg tray flying my way. Thank my ass that I've remembered to bring spares ever since the holy water incident. Though running away from those crazy Normanies, what Norman's fangirls calls themselves, is really something else. I felt like I just ran around the world and back. I'm not cut out for such stuff.

Hearing a sigh of relief, he turned his gaze to Norman before sending him some weird looks to which Norman sent back some weird ass looks too before nodding. What the hell? Are they telepathic? "Hello? Speak people. I ain't have that high of an IQ to understand eye." I sassed snarkily, causing them to break out of their eye staring conversation.

"Well if nothing is wrong, I shall take my leave." Coughing awkwardly, Beau sent some foreign Naruto hand signs to Norman to which he once again nodded. I'm starting to feel like I'm the idiot here. You know what? AIN'T MY PROBLEM!

Third Person's POV:

Hearing a beep from his phone, the blonde guy paused in his tracks as he leaned against the rows of lockers in the empty hallway. With slight hopes, he took his phone out quickly, only to roll his eyes in disappointment. Reading through the text sent without a hint of interest he sent a short reply in return before turning off his phone.

"Why him?" He muttered out in indignance, sending a punch to the wall before tugging onto his platinum blonde hair in frustration. Just then, his savior appeared just as an idea had formed. Waving to the brunette from a few classes down, he motioned to her to walk over to where he stood.

"100. Yes or no?" He tempted. Waving 2 pieces of $50 bills in front of the female student who he knew would definitely agree. She needed money to feed her family.

"I-I don't have to harm anyone...r-right?" She asked hesitantly as she contemplated the pros and cons. Being the sole breadwinner of her family, a hundred dollars means a lot and it could feed her family for at least a month.

"Of course not. It's just a simple task." He beamed, knowing that his target has caved to his offer. That smile soon turned into a grin when he saw the look in her eyes.

"Ok. I'll take up your offer."

"Great. I'll send you the details." He chirped, handing her the $100 with glee as he skipped passed her like the whole talk didn't even happen between them.

Hearing a breath of relieve, he paused in his tracks just inches away from her, sending a sharp gaze to where she stood. "I believe you know what not to I right?" He whispered threateningly as the other nodded frantically, knowing not to double-cross the guy. "That's a good girl."

Upon entering back in class, he set a scheduled message before sitting back with arms over his head, a innocent smile on his face as he paid attention to his lesson.

Hey Norman, the IP address has been resetted. This is beyond my capability. Sorry.

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