Chapter 26

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"Brother, dad's coming over." Hearing the last 3 words, Norman snapped out of his daydream as he flashed a panicked look towards his younger sister. The last time their dad came over, he brought along with him stacks of paperwork which he then forced Norman to complete them all as he needed a break. It took him 4 full days without sleep to complete them so that he can chase his dad out as soon as possible.

While their dad may be one of the most successful bosses, he is also what you can say one of the strictest dad in the world. Thinking of his dad's past staycations over at their place made them shiver. If it weren't  for his naive younger self believing his dad's promise of making him successful in a year time then he can make life easy for him and Everett, Norman wouldn't have willing followed him.

"Just kidding. I ain't wanting him back." Emma grimanced at a past memory, showing a irritated look on her face. The last time their dad came back and saw what she was wearing, he went to inspect her clothes one by one, throwing whatever that seems too 'revealing' to him. Which basically was almost half her closet. But he gave her his credit card, which she was thankful for, to buy replacements so she gladly went to buy back two times the number of 'revealing' clothes he had thrown.

"Why are you here?" Norman asked with little to no interest shown on his face, his thumb scrolling google as he lay comfotably on his king-size bed.

"I heard you kissed Fayne." She dragged, testing waters as she approached him slowly. "Do you like him?" No matter what, she had to confirm it with her own ears. She couldn't believe it when her classmates told her about the incident, waving it off as something not possible.

Without even batting an eyelid, Norman answered truthfully without any hesitation. "Ye. I love him." Looking away from his phone to watch his younger sibling, his eyes frowned questioningly when he saw her shaking on her feet, hands clenched into fists as her eyes were squinted shut. "Emma. Are you...okay?" He asked with concern, gradually sitting up as he shuffled towards her.

A loud squeal was heard, causing Norman to flinch a little at the sharp girly pitch. "OMG! That's so cute! Who's top who's bottom! Wait silly me, of course he's bottom!" Watching his sister gush and scream like an idiot, he rolled his eyes with a bored look on his face before slumping back onto his bed. Shooing her away much much annoyance shown on his face, Emma let out a loud sigh before retreating promptly, closing his door with a audible click.

Going back to his phone, he typed in the search bar quickly only to find out there's many people facing the same dilemma. 

I kissed my childhood friend and he ran away. What should I do?

As Norman read through the individual comments and past experiences, he couldn't help but feel lucky as his didn't involve things like nuts kicking or bitch slaps. He internally prayed to the heavens for Everett to belong in the more docile group than those violent ones. Reading through the ways to solve such awkward instances, he made up a list of them before planning them step by step, hoping that one will actually work. Work to do what? He honestly have no idea.

~Approximately 6.9km away~

"Fayne, I think we should go home-" The taller male suggested in concern as he watched the shorter male jump lightly on his feet. Laying on the bench beside, he watched enjoyingly as sweat ran down the other's face, hair slicked to the back as sweat dripped from the ends. He was shocked when Everett asked him to bring him to a boxing ring out of nowhere.

"Go home? I ain't going home until I bust his ass." Shouting a loud 'fuck', Everett sent a roundhouse kick towards the innocent sandbag, earning a loud bang upon the impact. He can't help but imagine Norman's face on it, the jerk who stole his first kiss. Not that he had minded. It was a wonderful first for him. But the thought of Norman being so skillful at kissing made him fume, wondering which other guys or girls had he kissed before him.

From the side, Beau let out a sigh of relief, thanking the heavens that he did not get his ass whooped by the smaller boy when they dated. Judging by the impact done on the sandbag, he can feel an incoming bruise form if one of his kicks ever landed on him. Slipping his phone out discretely, he took a picture of him quickly before pretending to be just fingering with it.

A loud thud followed after a deafening bang. Snapping his head quickly to the source, his eyes widened in fear when he spotted his ex-lover lying on the ground whimpering in pain as he held his leg. Beau's legs moved on autopilot, rushing towards the injured male's side within seconds as he tried to access the situation. "Oi. Breathe. I ain't dying." Even through the pain, Everett chuckled out through gritted teeth, finding the scene amusing as Beau leaned over him with face as pale as a ghost. 

Sighing in relieve, Beau shot him an annoyed look before shifting him to lie on his back. "Which leg?" Meekly and in embarrassment, Everett pointed to his right to which Beau rolled his eyes at. Pressing his fingers down onto the shorter male's thigh, he continued his way down south, applying pressure here and there to find the injury. Finally reaching the ankles, he pressed down lightly on it which in return earned him a soft groan. Looking up, he felt himself turn speechless as he watched Everett panting heavily with an extremely flushed face. A thump in his chest made him look away swiftly while clearing his throat, not knowing if he'll be able to resist the temptation before his very own eyes. 

"I think you've sprained your ankle. Let me bring you back. I'll help you put a cold compress on once we've reach." Beau ordered, not giving the other guy a chance to refuse as he slung both of their bags in front of him and then squatting down before the Everett. "Hop up."

Hearing that, Everett's face flushed redder than a tomato as he scooted away further, not wanting to get carried by the other male for he wont swallow his pride. "Eh?! I-I can walk!" Protesting firmly, he hobbled to his feet, only to fall back down miserably and onto a broad muscular back. "Shut up. Just for today. Don't get used to it." Beau grumbled out as he wrapped his arms beneath Everett's plump ass, secretly much to his delight. But of course, he ain't showing it on his face. 

"Thanks..." Everett muttered out softly as he laid his head on the other male's shoulder, enjoying the night breeze as Beau walked them back to his home. Feeling the smaller male's heartbeat eventually even out to form slow rhythmic beats, Beau sighed loudly to himself. Turning to the side, he place a light peck on Everett's cheek before whispering a soft and gentle "I love you." .

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