Chapter 11

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Posting today to commemorate Singapore's 54th year! Happy National Day, Singapore! Where my fellow Singaporeans at?😝

Everett's POV:

"Huhh?! He's going to be my tutor for the rest of the days till the final exams?! You're kidding!" I exclaimed, standing up quickly at the old man's words. I swear that geezer has something against me.

"I'm not kidding, Mr Johnson. If you will please, sit back down so that I can continue my lessons." He answered boredly without care before continuing his lessons like nothing had happened. Damn that old wrinkled ass shithead. His wife must have stuck a 9-inch long rusty ass dildo up his ass for him to be such a cold-hearted shit. How I know he's married? The ring on his finger duh.

Sighing in defeat, I slumped back down onto my seat, resting my head on the table as I stared at the big teddy bear who's paying no attention to class as usual. It makes me wonder how he's the only one that got full marks for the stupid quiz. Well, I'm sorta not surprised too since the old bat said 'Full marks as usual from the 2nd in cohort. You've done well-' blah blah blah. Urgh. Cringe. It's like he's trying to suck his ass up.

"Hey." I called out for him but to no avail. Too lazy to call him the second time, I kicked his feet hard, immediately earning a scowl from him as he glared at me with those mesmerizing ocean blue eyes of his. How I love his eyes… okay wait. I sound so fucking gay man. Bless my straight mind.

"What." He sighed loudly,

"You gonna tutor me?" I reconfirmed, hoping that he'll say no but sadly...not.

"I don't have a choice. Just so you know, it's not for free." He informed as I nodded. Well, anything to keep this guy's grades up. I can't cause him to fail after all.

"Don't worry, I'll pay you every lesson." I assured as chuckles from behind my back alerted me of Jasper's presence. Ah...great…

"Payment eh. Would you like to pay by cash or nets? Oh wait he only accepts ass." Almost immediately, he got his chair kicked away by the big teddy bear, causing him to lose his balance and smack his chin on the table. Hard. Ouch…that must hurt like a bitch.

Ignoring his groans, I turned back to face Mr Teddy to see him with a slight grin on his face which he immediately covered up with a cough. "Good. First lesson starts today after school." He said as I nodded. Oh ok. Wait… today?! Immediately?! Staring at him with wide eyes, he gave me the yes-I-mean-business look before staring out of the window once again. to be me.

~ time skip ~

What should I get… the thick black one or the normal brown one...hmmm… strong or weak… the thick strong black one it is.

"Hi Mdm, can I get the thick strong black one?" I ordered as the coffee auntie turned to face me with a weird look on her face. What?

"Espresso you mean." She coughed as I shrugged. I guess?

"Ah yes. Can I have the sugar and creamer separated?" I wonder how teddy likes his coffee...

"Of course. That will be $1.50." Passing her the cash, she handed me the takeaway cup of hot beverage along with a stirrer and sachets of sugar and creamer but not before saying things that left me puzzled. "Next time, say espresso. This is not a sex toy shop mister."

Nodding cluelessly, I took the items from her before walking to class where Mr Teddy is waiting but not before stopping in front of a sandwich machine. Hmmm...should I buy food for him too? As I thought about it, my hands had somehow found their way into my wallet and slipping the cash into the machine. Ah...oh wells. Seeing how pale he is, he should really eat more and get more sunlight. Taking the wrapped package, I finally made my way to class. This time, without stopping along the way.

"You're late." His sudden words scared me a little as I sighed. As uptight as ever...

"Well sorry and it's only by 5 minutes." I retorted,  rolling my eyes at him as I approached, placing the items on his desk as I sat down in the seat in front of him. Lifting his eyebrow at me, I shrugged lightly before stretching out for the thick ass textbook on my desk. "Your payment."

"Thanks…" He muttered as he unwrapped the sandwich.

"You're welcome. You should eat more you know? You look pale as hell like a vampire." I added, not wanting him to think that I'm worried about him. It's not cool you know. Earning a short 'Mmhmm..' from him, I sighed before adding the sugar and creamer for him and stirring it. If he's gonna eat first, might as well let him complete his meal before starting. I don't need him fainting on me halfway.

"Hey. I don't like sweet things." He suddenly said as I stared down at the empty sugar packets on the table. Oh couldn't he have said it earlier? Thank goodness I've only added...2… since when did I open another one?

"You should have told me earlier before I even stirred it." I retorted as he rolled his eyes back at me.

"I didn't even ask you to stir it." He replied shortly as I sent him the stinkeye.

"Oh shut up. I'll just unstir it then." I growled at him, stirring it fast in the other direction in displeasure as he stared at me with a shocked look on his face before... laughing. Well, at least someone is entertained.

"But I'll drink it. Thanks Ev-Fayne." Ev? Oh wells. Not wanting to pry, I handed him the cup before laying my head down on his desk for a short nap.

"Wake me up once you're done." I yawned out.


Question: Is it getting more and more boring?😖

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