Always you

101 1 0

Justin Foley


Please play music in the media throughout the one shot to get a deeper feeling


(y/n) - your name

(y/f/c) - your favourite colour

(e/c) - eye colour

The loud sounds of music reverberates through you, making you jolt in beat of the song. You groan as you cover your ears, people screaming and shouting to one another. You gag at the smell of sweat, smoke and alcohol lingering in the claustrophobic room that is the living room, packed with bodies of limbs and skin and very few clothes. You huddle on the couch, legs under you as you sat cross legged, your head leaning on the couch arm. You disregard a couple fucking each other next to you on the far side of the couch, your words being mere mumbles of curses and how you will get revenge on your friends of dragging you here to this sickening party. Sighing out, you decide to go grab a drink from the kitchen. If you could find it. You stand up and struggle getting past the closely packed bodies, gagging at the heat of bare skin and the smell.

"I must be the only sober one here." You murmur as you see a group of people cackling around the counter bench when you found the kitchen. You see a certain guy with a smug look on his face, chugging down a beer while his friends hyped him up. You shake your head at the idiocy of these people when he slams down the bottle on the bench. The people around him whoop in joy and cheer him on, others patting him on the back for completing the dare. The group then dissipate towards the backyard, probably to hang out at the pool. You thanked god for being alone and grabbed a red cup, filling it up with tap water. You drain it quickly, going for another refill when a beer is placed in your line of vision. You look up to see who was holding out the beer and see that it was the same guy chugging it. "Yes?"

"Do you want some?" You shake your head.

"I'd rather not. I'm not one to drink."

"Come on! Really?" You nod. "Thats fucking stupid. You fucking don't have fun do you?" You shake your head, chuckling.

"You seem to be the king of fun." You say as you put out your hand. "(y/n)." The guy looks down at your outstretched hand and looks back at you.

Justin stared at you, utterly curious at someone wouldn't as dare to drink. The corners of his lips lift up in a smirk and shakes your hand. He turns behind him slightly to see his friends egging him on. He nods and looks back down at you.


"As in Justin Foley?"

"You fucking know it." Justin waited for you to blush and stutter like most girls he met but he was met with silence and a passive face. He furrowed his brows as you just lean back on the edge of the sink and stare at the large mass of bodies having fun.

"You're still here?" Justin jumps slightly when hearing your voice as you just drink your cool water without facing him.

"Why not." Justin tries to think of a way to get you intoxicated and stares at the familiar unopened bottle of wine. He stares back at his friends, all expecting him to make a move on you. "Sweet or sour?" Justin sees you furrow your brows in confusion and stare up at him.

"What the fuck?" Justin chuckles lowly, hearing you swear.

"Which do prefer more? Sweet food or sour food?" Justin grins, seeing you speculate his question, letting out a oft sound of concentration.

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