Chapter Eleven

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The next morning, Cas felt almost back to normal, but for the pain in his head, though not as strong as it had been the day before. He gave Gracie her breakfast and went for a shower. When he came out, Dean was in the kitchen grabbing a frying pan.

{Nice} Dean signed, grinning and indicating at Cas, only wrapped in a towel around his waist.

Cas blushed and pulled it tighter around himself.

{How do you like your eggs?}

'Uh - scrambled,' Cas replied, his brain feeling much the same way, and hurried back into his room to get dressed. He realised that he needed to do some laundry when all he had left to wear was the lumpy, grey sweater with a tomato sauce stain on it. He sighed and put it on, then went back out to the living room to the smell of cooking bacon.

Gracie was extremely interested, standing on the counter next to the stove. Dean was keeping her at bay by scratching the top of her head with one hand and flipping the bacon with a spatula in the other hand.

'I think she likes you,' Cas said.

Dean turned around and raised his eyebrows at Cas's sweater. {I think she likes the bacon} he signed, smiling at him. {You still need to go shopping}

{It's a shame. This was a nice sweater before I spilled tomato on it}

{I'm not so sure about that} Dean teased, before turning back to the bacon. He passed Cas his breakfast once it was finished and sat across from his chair on the couch again.

{I have a lot to do today, so I might not be able to come by the bakery}

{That's fine. You've done more than enough for me these last few days}

Gracie then jumped up onto the couch and curled up next to Dean.

{It's not the bacon} Cas smiled.

Dean grinned, little crinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes, and gently pet Gracie.

They cleared up the dishes together, then left the apartment. Dean walked Cas to the bakery, where they found Alfie waiting outside.

'What are you doing out here?' Cas asked him, fiddling with the front door.

'I'm helping you out today,' he said. 'Since you're sick.'

'I'm not sick, Alfie,' Cas frowned.

Alfie just shrugged.

Dean tapped Cas on the arm. {I have to go. I'll see you later}

{Okay, bye, D-e-a-n} Cas signed with a smile.

{Bye, D-e-a-n} Alfie signed slowly, reminding them of when Cas himself had begun learning.

Dean waved and disappeared back around the corner to pick up his car.

'You don't have to do this,' Cas said to Alfie as they entered the shop.

'Sure I don't, but that doesn't change anything,' Alfie said, tying on his apron. 'Besides, I finished my latest commission last night and I need something to do until the next one.'

'In that case, I'm glad to be of service.'

They both went out into the kitchen and began working on that morning's food.

'How did yesterday go?' Cas asked Alfie, bringing out a large bag of flour.

'It went well,' Alfie told him, grabbing some baking trays from one of the cupboards. 'Sam was great on the counter. I'm not as good a baker as you, but I followed your recipes and they seemed to turn out okay.'

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