Chapter Fourteen

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Saturday rolled around, and a package from Charlie arrived just after Cas opened. He left it under the counter for the day and kept himself occupied for the day, despite his stomach churning.

He brought the box home and was just about to open it when his phone rang.

'Charlie, what is it? I'm just about to get ready,' he said.

'Open your computer so I can set up Skype. I gotta see you in those clothes,' she said excitedly.

'You can do that?'

'Sure, I made it so I could access your computer from mine, just in case.'

'It's a good thing I don't actually use it for anything important, otherwise that would be intensely creepy.'

'Just shut up and do it.'

'All right, fine.' Cas went out into the living room and switched on his computer. After a moment, the cursor began moving on its own. 'Is that you?'

'Yeah, that's me. Okay, this'll take a minute. Go do whatever you need to do.'

Cas threw himself through the shower, taking care to wash all of the flour out of his hair, and quickly dried himself off, towelling his hair until it was dry and fluffy. He put on a robe and went back into the living room.

'Hey!' Charlie's voice said, making him jump.

'What the- Charlie!'

Her face was fullscreen on his laptop, on what he assumed was Skype.

'What's up?' Charlie said. 'You look great, but I think Dean might prefer you a little more clothed. Well, in public, at least.'

'I could have been naked!' Cas hissed.

'Nah, you never leave the bathroom naked. Come on, I want to see you take it out of the box.'

Cas rolled his eyes and opened the box. The first thing he pulled out was a deep blue sweater, that was exceedingly soft. 'Charlie, this is nice,' he said, surprised. 'I thought we were steering away from sweaters, though.'

'I didn't want you to be too far outside your comfort zone. Besides, it's not sweaters, it's your sweaters that are terrible.'


'You're welcome. So that blue is definitely your colour, and the softness will make you totally irresistible. Next.'

Cas then unfolded a creamy-white shirt. It too was soft, not at all like the stiff suit shirt he had in his closet.

'That's to go under your sweater,' Charlie said.

'Yes, Charlie, I know how clothes work.'

'Debatable. Keep going.'

'I'm not wearing these,' Cas said, as he pulled out a quality pair of black skinny jeans. 'They're ridiculous.'

'Are you kidding? They'll look amazing on you. They're super comfortable and easy to move in, and they'll make you look taller. Come on, Cas, just give them a chance.'


'Okay, then, what would you rather wear? One of your hundreds of pairs of awful, beige canvas pants, or how about that one tweed pair you have from that suit you lost half of?'

Cas said nothing.

'Yeah, that's what I thought. Just trust me, Cas, you'll look great. Now hurry up and get dressed.'

'How do I turn off this camera?'

'Just click on that little camera icon on the bottom of the screen.'

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