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<- beomgyu

i'm really going to
9:35am | miss you, gyu :((

we are already inside
the plane! i'm gonna
talk to you when we
arrive in korea! | 11:53am

11:55am | hava a safe flight!

we just arrived, i'm
too exhausted
sorry 😭 | 7:16pm

it's okay, gyu. you should
take a rest now. we can
7:20pm | talk tomorrow. :))

but i want to talk
to you now | 7:23pm
----------0:10 | 7:27pm

[i miss you i miss you
i miss you i miss you
i miss you i miss you]

lol gyu
you sound so sleepy
aren't you going
to sleep now? what
7:28pm | time is it there?

8:30pm here | 7:30pm

oh i see you should
sleep now i know
7:31pm  you are really tired

sent a sticker. | 7:32pm

but the sticker is
already sleeping
hahahahaha you
7:33pm | should really sleep

싫어!! | 7:34pm

whaaatt?? i don't
7:34pm | understand

i said i don't want
to sleep yet
i want to still talk
to you | 7:35pm

didn't you tell me
7:36pm | you still go to school?

yes, i forgot
oh no | 7:36pm

see! you told me you
7:36pm | are a month absent

that's right
my appa is still going
to talk to the principal
tomorrow at school | 7:37pm

i miss going to school
7:37pm | i still have a month left

i want to go to
school with you hahaha | 7:38pm

that's impossible
we aren't even on the
same grade
and we are not in
7:38pm | the same country

yes :((
i wish we are
i'm about to go to
sleep now
i'll talk to you tomorrow | 7:38pm

goodnight, beomgyu!
7:39pm | goodluck in school ;)

dear beomgyu,

i miss you so much. that day, i really felt empty. i locked myself inside my room while looking at my snow globe collections. to feel better, i shook everything so hard that i almost broke one. and then i stopped and looked at our polaroid picture that was taken the day before you left. you were hugging me so tight in that picture. i hope i can hug you again.

until now, the polaroid picture is still with me. it has not yet faded but it is not as good as before. i kept it inside my room where there is not much sunlight exposure. i always look at it whenever i miss you. and today's one of those days.

i really really want to see you again, beomgyu.

dear beomgyu,Where stories live. Discover now