Chapter Five

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Cole Black's Point of view

I was walking back from getting Kaelie's birthday present and I gave a smile as I felt the small package in my dress robe pocket. I knew for a fact that Kaelie would love it. I was just around the corner from where Kaelie and I were going to meet when my eye caught something intriguing.


I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed a paper tossing the shopkeeper a galleon. I opened to the third page where the article was shown and all I could do was laugh.

'Yes, that is right readers, you read that title correctly! Harry Potter who lives with his muggle family was found missing from his home! The story starts when Harry Potters well known friends The Weasleys showed concern when their letters didn't get any reply back. The chosen one was also late in arriving at the Weasley's home which is said that he was supposed to arrive a week earlier. When their concern grew overwhelming they decided to pay his home a visit and to their shocking discovery Mr Potter was not present. The muggle family had given one comment about this. "We went to bed at our usual time and in the morning, he had disappeared, no note or nothing! We were so concerned and asked all around!" There have been rumours that You know who has finally found Harry Potter and kidnapped him! I will consult with the headmaster of Hogwarts soon to see if there is more information about the whereabouts of our saviour! Bye readers, this is Rita Skeeter out.'

I folded the paper up after reading the article and shook my head chuckling. Kaelie would crack up after reading this. By the way where about did she say to meet? I gave up after thinking on it realising I can just find her magical signature which would be much easier then running all around Diagon Alley. I find her signature at an ice-cream parlour and started to make my way to her.

Soon enough I see her black and purple hair sticking out from the rest of the rows of tables outside the ice-cream parlour. To get her attention I yell out to her.


As I get closer I notice Kaelie isn't alone, there is this blonde-haired guy who is around the same height as myself. His head whips around after I call out to Kaelie and I am met with the same alluring grey and silver eyes that I saw the other day in Diagon Alley. It took me a few seconds to realise Kaelie had found my mate and I gave her a grateful smile as I came up to the table the two sat at. When my eyes steered away from the blonde's eyes I took in the rest of his features and became taken aback.

"Kaelie! THAT'S DRACO MALFOY!" I partly yell and I took a step back. This is extremely bad, once he realises who I was he will reject me!

Draco face looked extremely hurt and in pain as I stepped away from him and it made me feel bad too but my anxiety was building. When Kaelie's hand touched my shoulder for comfort I flinched and accidently hissed at her.

"Cole..." My head snapped up to look at Draco's face and there was something in his eyes that kept me grounded in my place.

"You know you don't have to fear me, how people see me as a person and who I actually am are two extremely different things. I would never harm you intentionally." His eyes told the truth, of course they did. But what was just said wasn't what I was afraid of.

Before thinking twice on it I grabbed onto Draco and Kaelie's arms and apparated to Slytherin Manor.

"A LITTLE WARNING NEXT TIME COLE!' Kaelie shouted as she rubbed her stomach trying to get it to settle itself down. I hear a weird noise and saw Draco throwing up. I grimaced and looked away, I knew how hard it was to not throw up when you apparate without warning or having no clue where you are being lead.

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