Chapter Twenty

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Unknown's Point of View

I watched from a far as they laughed and leaned into each other's touch. It was hard, it was so hard. I knew what I had to do but I knew it wasn't what I truly wanted. He had changed so many things for me, including my perspective. All of what I had been taught about him completely turned to ash when I first met him. 

It wasn't hard to just melt into that kindness and warmth. It radiated off of him. He would change so many things, I just hoped that after all of this was over, some good could come of it, that he would still manage to make things look beautiful the way he is able to now.

Cole Black's Point of View

We were on our way to DADA at the moment, and it would be our first class of the subject for the year. I was actually quite nervous for the lesson, I didn't know if Remus was under Dumbledore's control and how far gone he was if he is. I knew I needed to talk to him, but I wasn't sure when.

The first lesson ended up being a structure for the upcoming year, making sure everyone knew all of the previous years material and knew what some of the things we would be doing this year were. A few of the main things that we would be working on this year were the Patronus charm, nonverbal defense spells and resisting the imperius curse. 

Even though the class was with the Gryffindors I didn't mind it because it was fun to mess with the twins again. Every time I used my telepathy on them, it made the both of them leap 5 meters in the air. However, I realised now the mistake I had made. One class, two houses, around 25 students out of the whole school. I figured though that it would take them a while to work through who would be Sirius' son since Slytherin's generally weren't very trusting, welcoming or open.

Emrys and I had a spare next so we took more time to pack up than Kaelie and Draco who had Muggle Studies. I had asked why Draco had picked it since his parents surely wouldn't approve but surprise, they had actually chosen the subject for him. Both Narcissa and Lucius had told Draco he needed to find out everything he needed to know about Muggles should he ever be faced against one in his future. Apparently to pure bloods Muggle Studies was like taking French or Chinese, a whole different language. 

"Ah Mister B-Black and Mister Lynn, seeing as you two have spares next why don't you help me organised these boxes aye?" Remus called out from the front of the room and Emrys and I looked at each other before shrugging. What was the harm? Of course there is the possibility he could stun me, kidnap me, kill me, bind my magic, but I pushed those nasty thoughts out of a 50 metre high tower in my mind. I didn't want to think Remus had been cornered by the old insane fool, I still had hope.

Once we had gotten up to the front we opened the boxes, all of it was little pieces of junk which would decorate the room and make it look more 'livelier'. Sneaking a look at Emrys when Remus wasn't looking I nodded at him. 

Emrys made his way closer to where Remus was sitting at the front of the room teacher's desk. He seemed to be planning lessons for other year levels. Emrys made himself look busy but I knew what he was doing. 

He was going to use a different sort of legilimency so that the subject wouldn't know their mind was being entered, but it also didn't hurt either of them when entering with an invite. By doing this, Emrys would be able to take a diluted look at Remus' core and see if their were any sorts of pressures, chains or weights holding something down or back. 

I saw Emrys' eyes glaze over for a second before returning back to normal. It went quicker than a blink of the eye, no normal witch or wizard would even notice, but for Emrys it would have taken about half an hour. 

Navigating the mind is difficult, we both learnt this during the summer when we tried testing each other's occulmency shields, we had told Kaelie and Lonny that we would be out for an hour but ended up being gone for over four which lead to an incredible amount of unnecessary worry. The mind plane worked different than to our normal reality, time went relatively quicker in the mind than in physical form. 

"Oh thank you boys, I won't keep to back any longer, surely you are thinking of some other exciting place to be right now. 20 point to Slytherin"

We quickly left the classroom slinging our bags over our shoulders in one movement as we left the door swinging shut behind us.

"Anything?" I asked and Emrys shook his head.

"No I couldn't find anything similar to what I found in Snape's core. However there was something definitely wrong, there is this dark piece of magic boiling inside of his mind, it was like poison. I think it is killing him. You all thought he always looked worse for wear because he is a werewolf yes? Well I don't think that is the case, and that scar on his face, that was not done from another werewolf. More like a Katana, one of those Japanese swords."

Wow. I hadn't actually given much thought to the scar lining the right side of Remus' face. Everyone always assumed that was were the werewolf scratched him since he didn't have any other scars or bite marks anywhere else on his body. 

"So, what you are suggesting is that Remus may not actually be a werewolf at all? But what about third year?"

"Potions, charms, spells. Honestly idiot, do you forget we live in a world with magic as it's roots?"

I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly, there was still so much I had to learn. But at this point, I wouldn't be able to do half the things I wanted to do until Dumbledore was outta here. Oh, why didn't I think of this before?!

I quickly linked my arm with Emrys' and I broke off into a sprint towards our common room where I knew the book I needed was there lying neatly in my bookshelf above my desk. 

"Watch it Faggot!" I heard some Gryffindor shout and I shot a hex at the anonymous person. A hex that would sew his mouth shout for the next 48 hours. I never bothered to figure out who it was but I didn't care, this was much more important.

"Also, 40 points from Gryffindor!" I shouted behind me out of breath with a giggling Emrys trying not to trip over his feet, mine or just thin air. Once we raced through the portrait and into our room I pulled the feet out jumping over Emrys' sprawled body which lay on the floor. Both of our breaths were uneven but I knew what to do now, I knew what needed to happen.

Flipping furiously through the pages I continued until I hit page 93. Laughing out loud, I shoved the book in front of Emrys' line of sight. 

"An Animagus reversal spell, what on earth would you do with that?!" Emrys asked flabbergasted that I almost 'killed' him for a simple spell. Well it wasn't just a simple spell, this spell would solve all of our problems.

"No, you're not thinking. Ever since fourth year there has been a certain ladybug flying around wherever she can trying to get enough juicy gossip for a good story!" I let out an exasperated sigh when his face full of confusion did not waver.

"Ladybug, spell, human, unregistered, illegal, story, Dumbledore, secrets, power, down the drain, kicked out of the wizarding community. Well of course we would have to get some more evidence as well as profiles and files from Gringotts, but it's going to work!" I said hardly stopping for a breath and Emrys' face sparked with understanding. Jumping up to his feet he grinned a nasty, weird and almost evil sort of grin. 

"That could work"

"Yes of course details, forms, legal docos but yeah"

"yeah yeah of course, COLE YOU ARE A GENIUS!!"

"Oi, you lot be quiet, I'm currently in the middle of my morning nap"



"Yes, well you're lucky, If I was in my corporal form then you lot would be in trouble" He grumbled before closing his eyes again after the two of us had left again to go find the others. 

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