The Days I Was Gone

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Deku P.O.V

'Kacchan flipped the hood off my head.'

I reacted quickly and covered my head as Uraraka came over to Kacchan acting calm and tried to distract him.

"Round face! What are you doing? get out of my way!" Kacchan shoved her out of his way. But I already turned into a cat and ran out of there as fast as I could. 

I ran to the stairs, and up. As I turned the corner, something stopped me.

"What is a cat doing here?" Kaminari asked as I looked up at him.

"I was kinda hoping I would run into a girl instead," Mineta sighed next to him. "Books would fall out of her arms, and we would help her up, give her our number..." 

As Mineta and Kaminari went on about their fantasies, I tried to push past them, but it seemed I wouldn't get away that easily.

"Hey, hey. Sorry man, but I can't let you be in here. Some people could be allergic to cats. And, well, I just can't, no pets allowed roaming the dorms. Sorry," Kaminari reached down and picked me up. I squirmed, but I didn't want to scratch him.

I eventually gave up.

Kaminari took me outside, and to my luck, no one was in the common room. 

Kaminari then opened one of the big doors of the dorm entrance, Mineta behind him, and placed me outside.

I turned around to see him walking back and locking the door behind him.

Oh no... I thought.

I started to pace back and forth. I can't change back now, but I have the sweater. What if someone sees me, I'd still have to explain. UGH! Darn, you Kacchan.

I go into the small patch of trees next to the path of the dorms. I find a tree where I could see the dorm entrance, but no one could see me. I layed there and started to drift off. I wasn't tired or anything, but I think it's just a cat thing.

I sat there thinking until the darkness of sleep consumed me.

Uraraka P.O.V

"Where could Deku possibly could've gone!?" I was panicking in my dorm with Iida next to me.

"I'm not sure Uraraka, I've told you already," Iida said, with less command in his voice, and more comfort.

"It's my fault!" I started to pace across the room.

"It's not your fault, why would you think that it's your fault?"

"Because if I would've just brought him something to eat, he wouldn't of come down here, and Bakugou wouldn't have taken his hood off, and Deku wouldn't have ran!"

I started to cry, thinking it was all my fault we can't find Deku. We didn't tell anybody we couldn't find him. We just said he was in his dorm and was sick. It worked, but Bakugou didn't buy it.

"Uraraka! It's okay!" Iida rushed over to me to comfort me. 

After a while of comforting, and crying, and talking. Iida went back to his room and I soon fell asleep.

-Time skip NEXT WEEK- (Sorry about that ^-^)

I woke up and got ready for school. I knocked at Deku's room again, but he still wasn't there. 

I hope he shows up to school today. I'm so worried. I thought to myself as we walked out of the dorms, and to the U.A. campus.

Iida walked with me, we didn't talk the whole way. It was such a weird atmosphere, I wanted it to end. At some point, I heard a cat, I turned around, hoping it was Deku, I saw Kaminari holding a cat, and... was it Deku? I'm not sure. I saw Kaminari holding it, and walking in a different direction as everybody else. Towards the staff office. I turn towards Iida. "I think I just saw Deku," I whispered. Iida turned to me, then looked at Kaminari, who was holding a green cat, with a white tip on the tail.

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