The Ending

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Deku P.O.V

I awoke from my dream that I had last night. Boy, was it terrifying


I find myself in a dark alleyway. My eyes were sore and my face was damp. I was probably crying. I feel a slight pain in my head, so I reach my hand up to feel my head. I flinch back almost immediately. My head stung and I look back at my fingers to see traces of blood. "Deku?" I look up with wide eyes. Only one person calls me that. "K-kacchan?" A rush of cold air swifts past me as I shivered. My middle school outfit was ripped, holes everywhere. Kacchan walked up to me, but his face was not covered with concern no. His face had a sinister smile plastered on his face. "W-what happened?" I asked, tears threatening to spill at any second. Kacchan giggled lowly. "You don't remember? You jumped off the roof idiot." Kacchan looks up at the roof of our middle school building. I remember that this was the day Kacchan told me to take a swan dive off the roof of the building. 
But I never did it. Did I? "What? Then why are you smiling?" Silent tears fell from my eyes. "Ha! You're wondering why I'm smiling? You jumped off the roof Deku! My dream came true! If only that ended it though." He laughed. "Can you walk?" I shook my head. "Good, I'll just leave you here to rot, see you in your next life Deku," Kacchan got up and turned to leave. I grabbed his wrist with my bloody hand. "W-what?" I stuttered. "I thought you loved me? Why are you happy about this?" I looked down and noticed I didn't have a tail, and I wasn't hiding it either. Kacchan laughed again. "Love you? What, did you turn into an even bigger idiot when you fell? Why would I ever even think to like someone like you? A quirkless. Useless. Pathetic. Idiotic loser like you." Kacchan scoffed and spat at me as he walked away. "I'll never love you. Never did, never will." And with that, Kacchan left. Leaving me to die in the alleyway, just like he said. Kacchan would never love me. Black. That's all I saw. I see myself falling through the endless pit of this dark hole. I see a grey floor approaching me. I screamed at the top of my lungs... until I hit the ground with a thud-

"GAH!" I jolted upwards, catching my breath, my covers falling from my chest. I sat for a second, thinking about what just happened. 

Why can I remember it so vividly? What's happening?

I gripped my head as I brought my knees to my chest. I heard a knock on my door. "C-com *Hic i-in," I didn't realize I was crying. I see Kacchan enter my room.

"Deku? What happened? I heard you scream,"

Scream? I don't remember screaming.

"I screamed?" I asked. 

"Yeah," Kacchan walked over to me and pet my head, trying to soothe me. I flinched at the touch. "Deku, what's wrong?" Kacchan brings me into a hug. I sigh, I knew it was just a dream. So there's nothing to worry about.

"I... I just had a nightmare. That's all," I answered. He nodded and brought me closer. I soon fell asleep in the comfort of his presence.

--Next Morning--

I wake up still in the arms of Kacchan. "Kacchan?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He lets me go, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning," I smile.

"I don't wanna get up!" He grumbled. I giggled and brought his face to mine, cupping his cheeks in my hands. I placed a small kiss on his lips. "Okay, I'll get up now," I laugh and Kacchan and I get up to get ready for school. I put on my black cat collar Kacchan wants me to have. And I put on my uniform that had a hole in the back so my tail could fit. I turned into a cat and trotted downstairs.

"Good morning Midoriya," I was surprised to hear Todoroki's voice this early. I looked over to see him eating a bowl of cereal at the table. I smile and rub myself on his leg. He pets me and I purr.

Neko Deku--Bakudeku fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now