The Cooking Competition

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Deku P.O.V

"A cooking competition?" I questioned out loud as we walked to the kitchen and started to get all of our ingredients out.

"Yep. I think I already know who's gonna win," Kirishima smirked.

"Oh shut up!" Kacchan hissed from next to him. 

"Oh come on Kacchan! You're a great cook! I would know! I've seen your cooking first-hand," I chuckled.

"Oh really? How so?" Kacchan mocked, putting his hands on his hips.

"Well, family dinners when we were in middle school. You cook for me a lot now since we're dating. You would always say 'Only you get to taste my cooking. My boyfriend only.'" I mocked back. "Then you'd put a sticky note on my forehead that said 'My boyfriend, back off.' and you would kill anyone who would come in a 5-foot radius of me," 

"Yeah. Kaminari was one of those victims," Kirishima winced.

"All he wanted was some tips on better stamina," I pointed out.

"Jeez, I get it! I go overboard! Now, will you shut up already!?" Kacchan pointed at us with a butcher knife.

"Hey hey! Where did you get that?" Kirishima chuckled nervously, pointing the knife down to the floor with his finger cautiously.

"The kitchen idiot," He sighed, putting the knife down.

"That's Bakugou all right," Kaminari gave a thumbs up.

"Shut up dunce face! Or do you want to be stabbed!?" 

"Nope! Sorry! I'm out!" Kaminari turned on his heel and walked off.

"Kacchan! What did I say about the threats!" I said, tapping him harshly on his head.

"What are you know!? That Old Hag of mine!?" 

"Okay! Calm down angry pomeranian!" Sero chuckled.

"What did you call me!?" Kacchan hissed as he looked over at Sero. 

"Kacchan! Stop this! I'm sick of your stupid behavior!" I smacked him on his head.

The entire room went silent. 

"Oh shi-" Kaminari's whispering was cut off by Kirishima covering his mouth.

Nothing was said as Kacchan sulked back to the counter and continued taking out his ingredients.

"Well... Here are the rules..." Ashido chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her neck. 

Kacchan looked over at her with almost no expression. Like Todoroki.


"One; You can make whatever you like. Two; there will be three judges; Me, Kirishima, and one other person, who will be picked personally by me. Three; If you get at least two yesses, you go to the next round. If you get two or more no's, you're out! If you get three yesses, you get to skip the next round. Four; If one of the judges holds up this sign," Ashido held up a sign that said in big golden letters: LEGENDARY. "It means your dish is 'Legendary'. And you go straight to the final round. The final round will have a category, which is still to be decided between the judges later on. For now, get out all of the ingredients you need, you get 20 minutes. Be ready!" Ashido left as everyone rushed to get their ingredients.

Kacchan is still quiet.

"Izuku!" I heard Ashido whisper-yell at me.

I turned around and walked towards her. "Yeah Ashido?" I ask.

Neko Deku--Bakudeku fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz