The Confession

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Bakugou P.O.V 

After I saw that caption, I had to try so hard to not explode and not kill the sleeping Deku. On accident of course. 

I felt some shifting next to me and looked down to see Deku moved to where his head is laying on my chest. I would smile at the cuteness, but I was steaming out of anger at this point. Literally. 

I decided to mess with that kid from middle school for a while. I took my phone and took a picture of Deku sleeping on my chest. In the picture, I was holding up my middle finger with a caption: Hell yeah I am.

I posted that and smiled. Though I was still pissed that they exposed Deku about being a Neko. He's not gonna like that. I laughed at the thought of seeing an angry Deku. It was impossible. He was too pure. Then I really started to think.

Deku... No... Izuku. The person I love. 

I realized that I never said it directly. I guess I kinda did when I was yelling at those stupid kids. But I never said it to his face. Or even asked him to be my boyfriend. GAH! I'm so dumb. 

I get up slowly, trying not to wake Deku, and I walk to the bathroom to take a shower. 

3rd Person

Little did Katsuki know, Izuku heard something he said, and took it to mind. 

Deku P.O.V

"He's not my boyfriend!" 

The sentence rings in my head as I try to sleep. 

Did he really mean that? Or was he just saying that? This fever must be making me delusional. He would never do that. Right?

Kacchan gets up a bit later and I soon hear the water running. He must be taking a shower. Though the thought still bugs me.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

I know he never actually asked me, which I understand, but does it also mean he doesn't like me? Was he just doing this to embarrass me? To call me stupid for thinking he could ever like me? No. After everything he said to the middle school kids, it seems too real. Was it all an act though?

I start to cry. The silent tears turn into quiet sobs. Those sobs soon turn into loud ones. And before you know it I'm having a full-on breakdown. 

I shoved my head in Kacchan's pillow. I couldn't handle this sea of emotions. 

--20 Minutes Later--

My eyes are sore, my stomach hurts. Still no sign of Kacchan. 

Surely he'd be done with his shower by now.

"He's not my boyfriend!" 

I flinched as it came back to my mind.

Did he leave? Is it because he doesn't love me after all? Is he going to hang out with that group of kids? Does he hate me? Did nothing change after all these years?

I start to cry again. 

Everything hurts.

My head, my eyes, my stomach. I don't know what to do anymore. 

I reach over to the thermometer to check my temperature again. I put it in my mouth and wait for the beep.


I take it out of my mouth; 105.23.

At least it went down. Only by a little though. 

I put it back on the counter as my eyes teared up.

Neko Deku--Bakudeku fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن