100K Special!

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(Thank you so much for 100K!! I love all of you so much!<3

(Remember, all holiday specials and such are non-canon and will not relate to the actual story)

3rd Person P.O.V

(Deku isn't a Neko in this!)


No response was heard as Deku's name was called for attendance in class 2-A. The class drew their attention to his desk, where no one sat.

"Deku's absent? That's new," Uraraka pointed out from the other side of the room. "he must be pretty sick."

Tenya nodded in agreement. It was quite strange for the boy to not be here, Bakugou however...


Once again, there was no response from the Blonde. He was not there either.

"Okay, both are gone at the same time?" Jiro chuckled. "They have to be up to something."

And, Jiro was correct. They were up to something. They skipped school on purpose. It was their one year anniversary. That was most likely the only time Deku would ever agree to skip school. In fact, as of this moment, they were making out in the janitor's closet, waiting until the coast was clear and they could ditch school.

Bakugou's hands slipped under Deku's shirt as his arms rested on Bakugou's shoulders. "Kacchan," Deku giggled, "that tickles, stop," Deku smiled and pushed Bakugoua way playfully with his hand.

"You know you love it," Bakugou smiled, tackling his boyfriend with even more small kisses.

"Do you have any guesses on where the two are?" 

Bakugou and Deku froze as they heard Ashido's voice outside the door. 

"I bet you Bakugou banged Midoriya," Kaminari snickered.

"Ha! That would be hilarious," Sero agreed.

"C'mon guys," Kirishima piped up. "we have to get that mop for Mineta."

"Why are we doing this again?" Ashido asked, presumably rolling her eyes.

"He said he'd give us 20 bucks, we can't turn that down," he explained.

Bakugou and Deku's eyes darted around the small closet, both of their eyes fell onto the mop in the corner. They were trapped and bound to be found. Deku was wearing fairly bright clothing, some black women's pants, and a blue checkered button-up shirt. Bakugou was wearing a classic grey sweatshirt, red shirt, and some black joggers. They wouldn't blend in that well, the room was just too small.

The door opened, Bakugou and Deku still frozen in place. "Hey guys," Deku chuckled nervously.

"Bakubro?" Kirishima questioned. Bakugou just realized they were still in the same position from the previous events. He disconnected from his boyfriend and blushed slightly.

"H-Hey," he stuttered, mentally cursing himself for it.

"What are you doing here? And... with Midoriya?" Sero asked.

"Well..." Bakugou got slightly nervous, he wasn't great with these things, which is where his wonderful boyfriend comes in handy.

"It's me and Kacchan's first anniversary. We agreed on ditching school and just going out. Of course, we kinda had to hide and wait till' the coast was clear, and now you guys are here. That's our story," Deku smiled, hoping they wouldn't tattle.

But, being the great bakusquad they were, Ashido smirked, along with Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima. "Well..." Ashido started. "we're just doing some dirty work for Mineta's perverted activities for money 'cause we're poor-"

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