The Fever

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Bakugou P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of sniffling. I thought for a second about what that could be. I then remembered that I fell asleep with Deku last night. I looked over at the time.

2:23, at least it's the weekend.

He must be having a nightmare. What he went through must've been traumatic.

"Deku? Are you having a nightmare?" I asked groggily but gentle. I got no answer so I looked over to see him sleeping peacefully.

So cute...

I heard the sniffling sound again, and I looked back again to see he just had a runny nose. I thought it was nothing, so I went back to sleep.

I woke up again feeling heat and warmth beside me. I opened my eyes and saw Deku breathing pretty heavily. I lightly shook him to get him to wake up. He opened his eyes and turned to face me with a blush on his face.

"K-kacchan?" He asked. His voice sounded so weak.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He didn't respond and just turned back over, whimpering. I picked him up easily, earing a squeak of protest from the small boy. I place him sitting up across from me as I pulled him closer to me so he's basically in my lap, and I placed my hand on his forehead, then his cheeks, and I rushed out of my dorm room. "Stay here," I ordered. He just plopped back on the bed, having no intentions of leaving.

I walked into the common room and went into the kitchen. I raided pretty much the entire kitchen, not finding what I needed. The entire class looked at me in confusion, I just shrugged it off. I then rushed to the bathrooms and raided the cabinets there. I then found what I was finally looking for. 

I walked back into my dorm to see Deku fast asleep. I picked him up as he jolted awake, his weak punch only felt like nothing. He was really weak right now.

I fished the thermometer out of my pocket. "Open," I said as Deku weakly opened his mouth. I put the thermometer in and he shut his mouth until it beeped. After it did, I took it out and read the temperature that showed.

"104.89, jeez Deku, what got you so sick?" He just shrugged with no words and layed back on the bed. "Well, I'll go to the store and buy you some medicine. Okay?" I moved his hair out of his face and placed a kiss on his forehead. I then damped a towel and placed it on his forehead. "Feel better, nerd." I left seeing him lift a hand to gesture a goodbye.

I didn't care that I was still in my pajama's, all I really needed was a shirt and pants. I grabbed my jacket as I left the room, closing and locking it behind me. 

The elevator dinged, and I stepped out the silver doors that slowly opened, leading into the common room where my stupid classmates sat. They all asked me where I was going and I just answered with a simple, 'groceries' and I left the dorms.

Deku P.O.V

It's been about 30 minutes since Kacchan left to go get medicine for me. I don't know why it's taking him so long, it's only a 15-minute drive... 

Oh, yeah, he doesn't have a car.

A wave of relief washed over me knowing that to walk there, 30 minutes would be a reasonable time. I reached over to the bedstand next to Kacchan's bed that held the thermometer. I placed it in my mouth and waited. After it beeped I took it out and checked the temperature it read.


My ears flatten on my head as I could barely walk at this point. I pet my tail as it waved happily in the air. I tried to stand up, but I just couldn't. So I gave up. I left my phone charging at Kacchan's desk that was on the other side of the room. So, I was stuck doing nothing.

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