The Future

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~9 years later~

"Hey, Papa! Can I get this one?" A little girl jumped, pointing at the Lucky Charms cereal on the store shelf. She looked about 3 or 4.

"Sorry Sweetie, but you have enough sweets at home. I don't think sugar for breakfast is that good. What about Froot Loops?" The small male suggested.

The girl pouted, crossing her arms. "But I want Lucky Charms," she huffed.

The father hated seeing his daughter so upset, so he improvised. "How about we get some Froot Loops, and I'll get you some ice cream for home," he smiled, seeing the girls face light up.

"Yay!" she swiftly grabbed the cereal box from the shelf that was thankfully low enough for her to reach and threw it in the cart.

The father collected some more items for home. Milk, snacks, lunch items, breakfast foods, ingredients for cooking, etc. After a while, the girl started to whine, talking about how her legs were tired, making the male pick her up and place her in the cart seat, making her satisfied. When all the items he needed were acquired, he went up to the cashier and paid.

"Nice havin' you around again Izuku. I'm sure it's been hectic with the little rascals," the female cashier smirked, handing him his card back as he placed it in his wallet.

"Yeah, it really has. Katsuki's always out on work trips, ya know? But, he's getting more vacation days to spend time with me and the kids. He goes on a month break soon."

"Oh, really? That sounds nice, Kat will finally be able to take some time to relax. He works too much," she laughed, crossing her arms as Izuku placed the bags in his cart to bring out to the car.

"I can't agree with you more," he chuckled.

"Hey, if you guys ever need a date night, call me, I'll babysit for ya'. You know they love me," she said, mockingly checking her nails.

"Yeah, as if Katsuki would let you."

"If it was for a date night, he would. He knows I'm good with kids. I wanted to work at a daycare for my part-time job, but was stuck with this stupid cashier job," she said as rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you would've been good for the job. Really."

"Well, thanks but, you should probably get going before my manager yells at me," she pointed out, looking over to make sure her manager wasn't paying attention to her.

"Okay, bye, thanks Ash!" Izuku waved, wheeling the cart out of the store.

He unpacked all the bags into the trunk, buckled Emiko into her car seat and wheeled the cart into a cart returning thing out in the parking lot. 

He got into the front seat, adjusted his rear-view mirror, buckled his seat belt, and stuck his keys in to start the car. He turned on the radio, and the news started to play, talking about Ground Zero's new mission. 

Izuku switched it off. He'll just watch it on the TV when he gets home. Normally, Izuku would be on his route home, but he promised he promised his daughter he would buy her some ice cream to take home. So, they stopped at Cold Stone.

His daughter jumped up and down, holding her small rabbit stuffed animal, its ears flopping around as they entered the small store.

"Hey 'Zuku! Finally gettin' out of the house?" the male cashier waved as Izuku and his daughter were the only ones in the small building.

"Yeah, Emiko wanted to come with me to shop, Katsuki's watching Yuki at home," Izuku explained as the cashier began to get ready ice cream. They visited quite regularly, so he knew the girl's usual ice cream.

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